"Ultimate ETA Contest" - Rapid City - Questions
Ultimate Elvis Tribute Festival
Preliminary Round Location: Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, Rapid City, South Dakota
Contest Date: June 22 & 23, 2007
Winner coming soon!
Fans have written us to ask what is up with the ETA Contest winner listings at elvis.com.
Emails to EPE have not been returned.
All of their regional rounds list name and photo of the winner.
We were told that Justin Edwards was the winner of the contest above. Congratulations.
Justin also won the EPE Ultimate ETA Contest Regional at Lake George.
Although his name and photo are posted as the Lake George Winner - the Rapid City result
still have yet to be posted in spite of the fact that other winners since then have been recognized.
Is he entered into their finals in Memphis twice?
We'll see...
Visit Elvis Extravaganza at www.elviscontest.com.
Visit Elvii Radio - The Elvis Tribute Artist Radio Station at www.elvistributeradio.com
Preliminary Round Location: Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, Rapid City, South Dakota
Contest Date: June 22 & 23, 2007
Winner coming soon!
Fans have written us to ask what is up with the ETA Contest winner listings at elvis.com.
Emails to EPE have not been returned.
All of their regional rounds list name and photo of the winner.
We were told that Justin Edwards was the winner of the contest above. Congratulations.
Justin also won the EPE Ultimate ETA Contest Regional at Lake George.
Although his name and photo are posted as the Lake George Winner - the Rapid City result
still have yet to be posted in spite of the fact that other winners since then have been recognized.
Is he entered into their finals in Memphis twice?
We'll see...
Visit Elvis Extravaganza at www.elviscontest.com.
Visit Elvii Radio - The Elvis Tribute Artist Radio Station at www.elvistributeradio.com
I guess the real source of this information would be Nance Fox of EEN. You might want to ask her who won the Grand Rapids show. But as I said before and I'll say it again, here goes another contest. Thank God my judges are the ones that hire me and my schedule speaks for itself.
Butch Dicus, At
11:22 PM
And now that we are on this Ultimate Elvis Contest subject, did I not tell everyone in the world what was going to happen? As I understood this contest, employees, family members, etc of EPE were not allowed to enter. Well, as I see it, two of the three contracted EPE entertainers have already won final spots for Memphis and do I have to remind everyone who they are: Donny Edwards, Irv Cass and Shawn Klush (though Shawn has not competed yet but wouldn't be surprised). I actually had money on Brandon Bennett but when Edwards got into the running, well I will be totally surprised a "less notable" will even be looked at.
Butch Dicus, At
11:32 PM
I can't believe that they have let Justin Edwards win 3 times' that is not fair to the other Elvis' I was at 2 of the contest where he won and I heard others that was better than him. This is knocking out 2 places in Memphis. I think something fishy is going on, I heard alot of talking going on about a Nance Fox and a guy named Ronnie.
Anonymous, At
7:52 PM
Thanks for the comment...We want to encourage open discussion. But if everyone would be willing to sign their comments it sends the credibility thru the roof! - otherwise some people just think that you might be posting because you didn't win the contest.
It looks like they might be taking #2 to Memphis from these regionals - but #1 still gets the cash.
Nothing against Justin - it just shows a flaw in the system - and at this early stage can they really afford any mistakes?
Administrator, At
8:19 PM
As I said before and I will say it again, contests are as fishy as a MacDonalds' value meal. I was actually told by an events coordinator back in September 2006 that she had provided comments to Jack Soden of EPE on how to run an effective contest and that is why you don't see me gracing the EPE arena. I will again say again, any ETA in their right mind would ban the contest world as a whole and promote themselves but unfortunately there are some that don't have a leg to stand on unless there was a contest. To the "Contest Kings", more power to you.
Butch Dicus, At
3:43 PM
Funny though that a recent cursory glance at 'her' website shows that all traces of her former 'suck and lick' routine about the EPE contests have been removed.
Wonder what brought that about?
Administrator, At
3:58 PM
This is the deal...I have worked promoting a few ETA'a in my time and am very familiar with the whole ETA CONTEST world. Nance Fox and EEN are crooked and this is why....When I would manage and promote some of the ETA's in the midwest region, a few would enter the EEN-run contests in the region. No joke !...90% were won by EEN tribute artists. This is how the scheme works. EEN holds a contest and of course has it's favorites. The favorites win and are able to list that on there resume', website etc.. that they won the _____ Elvis contest in whatever town it was held. The artist gets the win and EEN now has an artist with another championship on the resume. EEN is self-generating there own champions for promotion of their "product". Little does the buyer know that they contests are held by the agency that is leasing the talent to them. ETA competitions need A MAJOR REFORMATION !!!!!!! We need an outside entity to come in and take control that has the focus of lawful competitions in mind instead of favoritism. EPE has shown us that they are leaving the regional judging up to the local yocals like EEN...THAT is why you have the Donny Edwards, Irv Cass and Shawn Klush problems like you do. The business is rigged and until something is done about it, it will continue to be a bunch of BullSH_T !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike Cellenworth, At
8:30 AM
How do you say "Deja Vu"? Mike, I don't know you but everything you have said, I have said millions of times. To witness a judge walk up to the stage after the competition and kiss the winner is a dead giveaway, especially after you have seen them buying each other drinks the night before. Yes, this happened in Gadsden Alabama. Or see a judge walk up to one the contestants in the hallway in front of the other ETAs and grope the contestant saying he was her favorite; Branson Missouri 2006. But then you have the downside to a competition when a judge walks up to you smelling like a Jack Daniels' whiskey barrel proclaiming "it you had sounded a little more like Elvis" you would have won even after winning the same contest a month prior; Oklahoma City Oklahoma.
Until professional judges are brought into the picture, contests will never be worth going to. Judges today thinking between their legs instead of their brains. Also, certain ETA organizations should not be allowed to oversee contests that are promoted by other promotors; this basically is a smoke screen for the evil.
Preach on Mike. But don't get discouraged. ETAs are a dime a dozen and thank God, I'm an impersonator.
Butch Dicus, At
12:41 PM
Folks, some interesting commentary is surfacing here. And not just from ETAs who are disgruntled from losing contests. 'Elite-ism' in this industry exists and it's really unnecessary. The EPE Ultimate Elvis Contest has made things interesting - and has shown that things aren't really any different.
Even as - elviscontest.com and Images of The King (1.0 with Doc Franklin) co-existed in spite of the pure distain of Doc Franklin - Images 2.0 (The Hoover's) - continues and it's a damn shame that EPE has slapped their Memphis finals right on top of them. Now, Images will do fine...But they've been in the game a long time and to have EPE do this without even a word - smells bad. elviscontest.com is busier that ever too in spite of the EPE development.
EPEs contest is done strictly to widen and strengthen their brand "ELVIS" - having to sign away all your rights as a contestant - including your right to any claims from "DEFAMATION" - Now, who in their right mind would do this? It implies that the producers, EPE can down-right make fun of ETAs (ie showing the worst of the worst and poking fun at contestants - ala American Idol - which is also owned by CKX). Early SEC filings even mentioned impersonators as a factor that could work in devaluing their brand and profit-potential - hence the exact reason they have gotten into this end of the business (after bucking it FOR 30 YEARS!)
It's all about MONEY. Sure it is. 25 EPE contests? Made up mainly of their in-house festivals and licensees. Many prospects were asked to pony up a $5,000 licensing fee to host one of their contests...and get what in return? - use of their logo and listed on their website. The buyer STILL had to incur all of the costs and demands producing their own contest...venue, stage, sound, lighting, technicians, advertising, prise money, band etc etc etc...$5,000 just for the pleasure of doing business with them! And many, many, many have not fallen for it.
If CKX can saturate Elvis worldwide (I think this has been done already - that's why he's the biggest, most popular star in the world) - then more power to them. But this whole new corporate environment is about money and "ELVIS" - not Elvis. Even with all of the "EPE" Elite-ism over the years - it was somehow tolerable given that it was still 'family run'...As I've said before - When Robert F.X. Sillmeran sells it off one piece at a time - some Asian corporation will be running the show. Incidentally, Sillerman makes a game out of what the "X" stands for in all of his companies...and won't reveal it to anyone - personally I think F.X. stands for "F*** Everyone."
And we've heard from multiple ETAs that Nance Fox is telling people that she's got Jack Soden's ear on how all of this should be done. Well, there ya go...enough said.
Do we really need more ETAs cleaning her gutters on Friday and winning her contests on Saturday. Which really brings to mind a question- does "she" even have any contests? Or is she sand-bagging on every one else's party. We'll, I can see it now - another call from Ronnie Craig...yeah, Ronnie, there's room for everyone.
That's what Elvis Tribute Radio is all about by the way...IT'S FOR ALL ETAs...No favorites...Elvii Radio plays everything! Even EEN guys, images guys, EPE guys and independent guys especially that don't care for any of the politics of the business. It's simple...There is only one source in the world for ETAs to get their music played world-wide. Elvii Radio. Jump on board...
Fans Unite
Administrator, At
1:12 PM
This Just In On The Email- (it just keeps piling up doesn't it)
I checked the blog, great to see people are sounding off. I knew UETAC had problems from the first contest when Rich Vickers won. We were at the Tampa contest and the winner Scott Norton is personal friends with 2 of the judges Jim Shira and his wife. Scott was half crocked the first day of the festival and smoked like a chimney the whole weekend right in front of the fans. My first experience with the whole ETA scene was in 96 when I entered my first contest in Wildwood NJ at the 50's fest. All of the perfomers picked were EEN guys and Michael Hoover wound up winning. I think Mike is good and all but looking back years later after I got more educated, I can see what really happened. When I get things rolling, I'll let you know. Just remember that we are in the majority here when it comes to how we feel about the competitions. EEN only makes up about 3% of all the performers in the world and all of the other guys are just as fed up, I think alot of ETA's just keep there mouth shut since the competitions that exist are the only outlets out there and they don't want to burn there bridges. I agree with the one guy on the blog though when he says that some performers are just "contest Kings" and ETA should work more on promoting themselves instead of dealing with the spiderwebs of the contest world. I smell the wind of change coming.
Administrator, At
1:14 PM
I for one am not disgruntled. I have my bran flakes every morning and I gruntle shortly afterwards. So I guess you could say I am a gruntle contestant who really, in the scheme of things, enjoys a fair contests where people get together, trade stories, shoot the breeze and sing the song. There is only one contest I have ever felt this comfortable with and well, it isn't Images (nothing against Doc, Jackie, Bobbie or Mike) or Ultimate Elvis (which I have already voiced my opinion on way too much and get strange looks now at Graceland Crossing because the cameras to headquarters watch my every move). A contest is a place to have a great time and not have to worry whether your throat will be cut while leaving the premises.
Butch Dicus, At
1:10 AM
Anonymous, At
9:55 AM
All you crying that you can't win a contest are just jealous. You don't win for good reason! I attend contests frequently & more often than not the top 3 belong, especially EEN contests. Those who say that they are crooked need to realize that you're just not good enough to win! There is a reason that guys like Brandon Bennett, Donny Edwards, Irv Cass, & Justin Edwards are in the EPE semi finals & that they win contests. They are better than most! I was at all 3 contests Justin Edwards won & he deserved all 3. If someone was better give a name, because there wasn't. The other 2 Justin won go to the second place winner. Butch, keep singing your small shows & leave the big stuff to the pro's! Also, at almost all the EEN contests the venue gets there own judges, not Nance Fox.
Anonymous, At
1:16 AM
Well...that went over like a fart in Church...
Anonymous, At
8:03 PM
Well, If it wasn't crooked there should not have been a 3 time winner at any contest. It should have not been allowed. Whether the guy is better or not. But when the contestants are only them what do you expect. That is Just his greedy nature. And who cares about Nace Fox she is an old woman wanting to represent Elvis Imitators. What's up with that. It's called get a life lady or a boyfriend that should satisfy your needs.
She is a fart in church. an Old one and she stinks like the contests or the so called EEN(evil elvis nut)
Come on this is a old woman posing as someone she isn't. I have seen her steal everyone else's hard work and put her name on it. She is a hanger on'er.
Oh and SUE you know you are Nance Fox...
Kevin H
I am not afraid or your crap and I tell everyone stay away from this vile person and so should everyone else. She called my job and tried to steal it from me and she has done with the other ETA"S. Fellow ETA"S WATCH what you tell her.
Anonymous, At
1:09 PM
Now the Rapid City EPE contest has been completely removed from the EPE contest site...
Anonymous, At
12:59 AM
I was expecting the EPE contest to FLOP but I actually thought they had great talent and it was much better then images
Anonymous, At
10:46 PM
Thank you for your nice comments but I do wish you could define "small shows"? I didn't know there were "small" shows versus "big shows". I thought shows were just that; shows. No matter how many people are in the crowd. Oh well, I believe it is the the people you are reaching.
Butch Dicus, At
11:17 AM
Someone sent these comments to me and I thank all of you for the kind words. You guys have a ton of class!
Anonymous, At
2:04 AM
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