First ever EPE CONTEST A Fix?
There is much discussion about the recent winner of the ultimate EPE contest.
Shawn Klush was crowned the winner but now new evidence is being reviewd in
which may have his crown in jeapordy.
So hold on to your hats as we go for another EPE Spin of tales and cover ups.
In a news article published Shaun Klush as stating that he was urged by a Jordanaire and that Dan Lentino was his personal manager.
In further review Shaun Klush was contacted by Ray Walker of the Jordanaires to compete in EPE's last US contest prior to Elvis Week in Franklin, TN at the Williamson County Fair.
Seems that the band hired for this County fair was the Dan Lentino band and the advertising was that all tribute artists got to sing with the Jordanaires.
The Grand Prizes for this Contest was a mere $200.00 and a stay at the Marriotte in Memphis. An unusual low amount for the contest industry.
Also it has been uncovered there was a private meeting among two Williamson County Fairboard members and Ray Walker of the Jordanaires prior to the contest hiring the Dan Lentino band and the Jordanaires. The Williamson County Fair board memers are Dave Crouch (a church choir member at the same church as Ray Walker) and Dianne Giddons the contest contact on EPE's website.
Elvii News is following this story along with other national media outlets and requests that any or all of the contestants who performed or was contacted by the Willaimson County fair or others representing the fair or Applause Entertainment to contact them.
Ask for Judy or leave a message.
Her contact number is 206-600-5708
Should Shaun Klush loose his Crown?
Shawn Klush was crowned the winner but now new evidence is being reviewd in
which may have his crown in jeapordy.
So hold on to your hats as we go for another EPE Spin of tales and cover ups.
In a news article published Shaun Klush as stating that he was urged by a Jordanaire and that Dan Lentino was his personal manager.
In further review Shaun Klush was contacted by Ray Walker of the Jordanaires to compete in EPE's last US contest prior to Elvis Week in Franklin, TN at the Williamson County Fair.
Seems that the band hired for this County fair was the Dan Lentino band and the advertising was that all tribute artists got to sing with the Jordanaires.
The Grand Prizes for this Contest was a mere $200.00 and a stay at the Marriotte in Memphis. An unusual low amount for the contest industry.
Also it has been uncovered there was a private meeting among two Williamson County Fairboard members and Ray Walker of the Jordanaires prior to the contest hiring the Dan Lentino band and the Jordanaires. The Williamson County Fair board memers are Dave Crouch (a church choir member at the same church as Ray Walker) and Dianne Giddons the contest contact on EPE's website.
Elvii News is following this story along with other national media outlets and requests that any or all of the contestants who performed or was contacted by the Willaimson County fair or others representing the fair or Applause Entertainment to contact them.
Ask for Judy or leave a message.
Her contact number is 206-600-5708
Should Shaun Klush loose his Crown?
Here is the link to the articles for your references on Shaun Klush and Dan Lentino Statements
The other is the
They are Northwestern, PA go there and type in Shawn Klush.
Anonymous, At
2:04 PM
Everyone connected slightly with the eta world knows that Dan Lentino is Shawn Klush's manager and that his band (the fabulous ambassadors) play with Shawn Klush and Donny Edwards in joint shows all the time. They are often joined by the Jordanaires and D.J. Fontana. Dave Crouch and Diane Giddons were not judges at the Franklin contest - they contracted the paid performers. Of course, there were private meetings as they contracted the talent to play for the competition.
I was at the Franklin contest and there was a clear winner and he went on and won in Memphis which I also attended with another band - the Expense Account Band. he was a clear winner there also.
If anyone says he should lose his crown - they are jealous of his uncanny ability to give you for a fleeting moment what Elvis did everytime he got on stage.
Anonymous, At
2:59 PM
Yes it is common knowledge. Therefore Klush competing in an event where his agent and band where hired to perform services and the Jordanaires were hired to perform services and Ray Walker was involved in the planning of the event and Shawn has publicly admitted that a Jordaniare encouraged him to enter the contest (like Lentino didn't?) just doesn't not look right. A $200 prize? Sounds like the fix was in. Even if it wasn't it's worthy of a look.
Any contestants from the Franklin regional or the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest held in Memphis during Elvis Week that feels they may have been wronged in this situation can file a form with the Tennessee Department of Commerce Consumer Affairs Division. They will investigate each and every claim made regarding this situation to determine what took place.
Anonymous, At
3:32 PM
What does a $200 prize have to do with it? It wasn't the money the contestants were after. They wanted to go to Memphis. I sincerely hope that no one in that competition files a complaint. They were there, they know who won and why he won. There's nothing to argue with.
Anonymous, At
3:47 PM
Why do people have such a hard time posting their name to comments?
If necessary we'll begin blocking anonymous comments and requiring users to login and post under their name.
Administrator, At
4:29 PM
If you don't want people to use the anonymous why would it be on this site to use? you know it does say (choose an identity).
by the way I don't have a computer and I just use a family members, my name is Sherry and I don't have an email address cause I don't need one
Anonymous, At
9:29 PM
Once upon a time back in August 2000 while walking down the streets of Beale, I came upon a nightclub called Legends and outside an ETA was performing (name withheld but rhymes with Grayson Trikes) and after he finished his set, the audience was wanting more Elvis songs and the club manager asked if I could sing a few songs while our young entertainer was changing. Well, I was very gracious to do so and after fifteen minutes and utilizing two CDs I had recently purchased on EBay, the young entertainer came back out, got very redfaced because someone else was singing, grabbed up his Velvet Elvis collection and went off. Right in the middle of his show. Well, if I had only paid attention to this that night, I would still be driving a truck today. That same night I learned there were other impersonators in the world and some had the same attitude this poor individual did. Then I learned about a thing called "Images of Elvis" and thought how cool it was that a group of guys/gals with the same intention at heart could gather for a social event but quickly found out the social event was for those at a certain level and they definitely weren't at me level; socially, morally, etc. And the story goes on now for seven years and it's the same one over and over. Many people last November 2006 booed me and some praised me because of the stand I took concerning EPE "indorsing" the ETA when in fact days prior had a posting on their web site expressing their true feelings of the ETA and how they would never allow an ETA in the world of EPE.
God bless Elvis wherever he is because I know he is looking at Charlie Hodge right now and going "Damn, Charlie, things sure are screwed up."
Butch Dicus, At
10:15 PM
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Anonymous, At
12:04 AM
I, however, would think that Elvis is looking at Charlie Hodge, they are both smiling from ear to ear, and they are both agreeing that the right man won. Elvis could be overheard saying, "He'll do me proud."
Congrats to Shawn Klush.
Anonymous, At
11:02 AM
Ask any true ELVIS fan - not one that also likes impersonators and they'll tell you that is the most ridiculous assumption that they've ever heard. So many people are 3rd generation fans that only came into this thru getting caught up in the impersonator thing.
Nothing against Shawn or is talent.
But not any one of the ETAs even remotely comes close to Elvis.
Anonymous, At
12:23 PM
People who are crying conspiracy about Klush really have no lives. If you dig deep enough you could probably find a reason to cry fix at every contest. I was at the finals and the talent pool was there and Klush was the best. Not sure what reason EPE would have to fix the contest though its not like Dan Lentino or anybody has the money to pay EPE that would mak ea difference to them. It seems like you people particularly Butch just need a reason to keep talking about thigns that are non issues.
Anonymous, At
1:41 PM
Though the administrator stated he or she was not allowing no names to post on this blog again, I will now kindly ask "if you have a personal problem with me or anything I say" please be man enough to atleast post your name or email me at TCBWFLSH@JUNO dot COM so we can have a more intelligent conversation instead of your dumbass assumptions of individuals on this blog. Even better yet , if you can't come to this blog and atleast spell correctly, obviously we already know what, not who, we are dealing with.
Thank you.
Butch Dicus, At
9:26 PM
ive just seen shaun win the worlds greates elvis in london so i suppose that was a fix eh ?
get a life , this man gives you a taste of what elvis is all about ,he is truly the worlds greatest elvis . well done shaun ,we all loved the moment
Anonymous, At
5:09 PM
no one ever said he wasn't talented or capable of winning.
Who ever keeps addressing that is missing the point.
Anonymous, At
5:39 PM
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