A Note From Jamie Coyne
There has been a lot said regarding the recent Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest. I rarely comment on these things. A recent blog post was made stating that the reason that there was so much anti-EPE commentary here was because the Elvis Extravaganza is directly in competition with EPE. Blogs are arenas for open discussion and I exercise no control over that.
Contests as a whole always have their share of nay-sayers and sore-losers. Shawn Klush's talent is obvious. Everyone does know the professional relationship that exists between Dan Lentino and Shawn Klush. To suggest that Dan Lentino was 'surprised' at Shawn entering the contest is ridiculous. For this reason alone Shawn should have been exempt from the competition. All of the reasons about how good he was, or how good his voice is or how good he looks or that he's the best are all secondary to the fact that Dan Lentino has interest in Shawn doing well. In Shawn Klush winning. Lentino assisted in organizing the Franklin regional in some way - and at some point became aware of Shawn's participation. At that point Shawn should have not been permitted to compete. That seems obvious. You can argue the merits of Shawn's performance all day long.
Klush having been hired previously by EPE and it's associates is arguable. Utilizing him during the week that he won the EPE finals (for the FedEx opener) raises alot of eyebrows.
Is this really any different from the Miss America pagent? Doesn't the crown go to the runner up? And who would have moved on from the Franklin regional?
I'm not a Carlini Fan - but I'll bet money Lentino isn't either. Another dynamic worthy of scrutiny.
These are just questions.
The notion that I founded the Elvis Extravaganza many years ago (and it still continues to produce contests today) is a reason for this being a forum for this discussion is only natural.
When CKX first contacted the Elvis Extravaganza to promote contests for them - they were not interested in paying CKX $5,000 per event to 'license' something that the Elvis Extravaganza has been doing for years.
Personally I had expected much more from Elvis Presley Enterprises and CKX Inc than just copying how the Elvis Extravaganza has done it for so long. Contestants, band or tracks, regionals, prizes, a final, prize package inclusions, judging criteria, rules and regulations, entry fees and the list could go on and on.
(I might inform those who are new to this that even the "Images: contest never had regionals funneling into Memphis until the Elvis Extravaganza started doing it.) (The 'Images' is an institution by the way...)
What I would have expected from a world-class company and a leader for a new foray into an existing market would have been to totally reconstruct how it is done...
Example: (and feel free to use this without royalty)
It would have been far more momentous if EPE would have skipped the whole Contest circus completely and employed a means which truly would have 'Trumped' any contest. And I do mean 'Trumped' - ala Donald Trump.
CKX/EPE should have 'truly annointed' a representative of Elvis' legacy. What they did was put on an impersonator contest (i don't care what they call it.) Like GK used to say, "If you wear the white jumpsuit, you're an impersonator." Their process was about the sound, looks, moves, making an audience hoop and holler and having some of Elvis' cronies pick their favorite.
Sillerman should have stepped into the role as the Trump of the Elvis World - and personally hand selected the representative of Elvis' legacy. No contest. Nothing about a point system and a notion of impartiality. Rather, field resumes and materials from "tribute artists" from around the globe...spend a year sifting thru those - having meetings - teleconferences - interviews with potential candidates - and narrow all of that information down into bringing the top 10 selected to Graceland or New York or wherever for a meeting around the board room table followed by personal interviews followed by auditions in front of CKX/EPE managers. THEN send all 10 of them back home. Then at the beginning of Elvis Week fly all 10 in and put them up and wine and dine them (and use them up promotionally all week). Then - (and this is crucial) - have a press conference ON THE LAWN - in the middle of ELVIS WEEK YES, the middle - so they could have taken advantage of all of the media and attention in Memphis for the balance of Elvis week instead of doing it at the end after everyone goes home.
(... and gleening post-elvis week publicity from a gun being 'stolen' from Graceland only to be found in a toilet behind the building (don't they keep the cabinet locked? And have you seen the surveillance footage of the theft - who walks in all by themselves - straight to an unlocked display case and walks out with a gun! - but I'm digressing here aren't I) -
- back to the press conference: with Graceland as a backdrop
(why not? they're starting to whore it out like the Lincoln bedroom anyway don't forget about the half-naked chicks from the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue (Gladys would have been so proud) - and the topless chick at Humes Middle School (it's a school for God's sake!)
and at a podium- Robert Sillerman should open the envelop and announce his personal choice for the person 'representing the legacy.' No idea of impartiality or 'who is better' - rather simply - Bob Sillerman's favorite. After all he's the head of the company. It would have been befitting of the 'new' ownership and 'new' view the company was taking of elvis impersonators to do something 'new' and 'different.'
(Did you ever read their faq before this new view about Elvis impersonators?! About face! Don't forget they've been pissing on impersonators and related events for nearly 30 years!)
Then they should have announced and already had in place a worldwide tour with the 'winner' and complete cast and crew (and other finalists ala 'American Idol'). They could be promoting their brand (their only true function) and selling out venues all day long.
Under these terms they can pick whoever they want. It is what it is.
Finally, the poster assumed that the Elvis Extravaganza has "suffered now that EPE is involved." On the contrary...they've had their best year yet.
No animosity exists for EPE/CKX at the Elvis Extravaganza.
They've each got their own thing going.
If CKX wants to truly become the only game in town they just need to bring their checkbook.
Contests as a whole always have their share of nay-sayers and sore-losers. Shawn Klush's talent is obvious. Everyone does know the professional relationship that exists between Dan Lentino and Shawn Klush. To suggest that Dan Lentino was 'surprised' at Shawn entering the contest is ridiculous. For this reason alone Shawn should have been exempt from the competition. All of the reasons about how good he was, or how good his voice is or how good he looks or that he's the best are all secondary to the fact that Dan Lentino has interest in Shawn doing well. In Shawn Klush winning. Lentino assisted in organizing the Franklin regional in some way - and at some point became aware of Shawn's participation. At that point Shawn should have not been permitted to compete. That seems obvious. You can argue the merits of Shawn's performance all day long.
Klush having been hired previously by EPE and it's associates is arguable. Utilizing him during the week that he won the EPE finals (for the FedEx opener) raises alot of eyebrows.
Is this really any different from the Miss America pagent? Doesn't the crown go to the runner up? And who would have moved on from the Franklin regional?
I'm not a Carlini Fan - but I'll bet money Lentino isn't either. Another dynamic worthy of scrutiny.
These are just questions.
The notion that I founded the Elvis Extravaganza many years ago (and it still continues to produce contests today) is a reason for this being a forum for this discussion is only natural.
When CKX first contacted the Elvis Extravaganza to promote contests for them - they were not interested in paying CKX $5,000 per event to 'license' something that the Elvis Extravaganza has been doing for years.
Personally I had expected much more from Elvis Presley Enterprises and CKX Inc than just copying how the Elvis Extravaganza has done it for so long. Contestants, band or tracks, regionals, prizes, a final, prize package inclusions, judging criteria, rules and regulations, entry fees and the list could go on and on.
(I might inform those who are new to this that even the "Images: contest never had regionals funneling into Memphis until the Elvis Extravaganza started doing it.) (The 'Images' is an institution by the way...)
What I would have expected from a world-class company and a leader for a new foray into an existing market would have been to totally reconstruct how it is done...
Example: (and feel free to use this without royalty)
It would have been far more momentous if EPE would have skipped the whole Contest circus completely and employed a means which truly would have 'Trumped' any contest. And I do mean 'Trumped' - ala Donald Trump.
CKX/EPE should have 'truly annointed' a representative of Elvis' legacy. What they did was put on an impersonator contest (i don't care what they call it.) Like GK used to say, "If you wear the white jumpsuit, you're an impersonator." Their process was about the sound, looks, moves, making an audience hoop and holler and having some of Elvis' cronies pick their favorite.
Sillerman should have stepped into the role as the Trump of the Elvis World - and personally hand selected the representative of Elvis' legacy. No contest. Nothing about a point system and a notion of impartiality. Rather, field resumes and materials from "tribute artists" from around the globe...spend a year sifting thru those - having meetings - teleconferences - interviews with potential candidates - and narrow all of that information down into bringing the top 10 selected to Graceland or New York or wherever for a meeting around the board room table followed by personal interviews followed by auditions in front of CKX/EPE managers. THEN send all 10 of them back home. Then at the beginning of Elvis Week fly all 10 in and put them up and wine and dine them (and use them up promotionally all week). Then - (and this is crucial) - have a press conference ON THE LAWN - in the middle of ELVIS WEEK YES, the middle - so they could have taken advantage of all of the media and attention in Memphis for the balance of Elvis week instead of doing it at the end after everyone goes home.
(... and gleening post-elvis week publicity from a gun being 'stolen' from Graceland only to be found in a toilet behind the building (don't they keep the cabinet locked? And have you seen the surveillance footage of the theft - who walks in all by themselves - straight to an unlocked display case and walks out with a gun! - but I'm digressing here aren't I) -
- back to the press conference: with Graceland as a backdrop
(why not? they're starting to whore it out like the Lincoln bedroom anyway don't forget about the half-naked chicks from the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue (Gladys would have been so proud) - and the topless chick at Humes Middle School (it's a school for God's sake!)
and at a podium- Robert Sillerman should open the envelop and announce his personal choice for the person 'representing the legacy.' No idea of impartiality or 'who is better' - rather simply - Bob Sillerman's favorite. After all he's the head of the company. It would have been befitting of the 'new' ownership and 'new' view the company was taking of elvis impersonators to do something 'new' and 'different.'
(Did you ever read their faq before this new view about Elvis impersonators?! About face! Don't forget they've been pissing on impersonators and related events for nearly 30 years!)
Then they should have announced and already had in place a worldwide tour with the 'winner' and complete cast and crew (and other finalists ala 'American Idol'). They could be promoting their brand (their only true function) and selling out venues all day long.
Under these terms they can pick whoever they want. It is what it is.
Finally, the poster assumed that the Elvis Extravaganza has "suffered now that EPE is involved." On the contrary...they've had their best year yet.
No animosity exists for EPE/CKX at the Elvis Extravaganza.
They've each got their own thing going.
If CKX wants to truly become the only game in town they just need to bring their checkbook.
Nicely stated. The only thing we have to realize is, Robert Sillerman does not care about Shawn Klush. Robert Sillerman doesn't care about Jack Soden. And Robert Sillerman sure in the heck doesn't care about me. Why? Because Robert Sillerman is looking for an investment, an investment that will continue to bring the mighty dollar into his pocket. And please remember one thing I said on the old ELVII Yahoo Group back in 2006: "Sometimes bad publicity gets more heads turning than good".
And like I said before, "So Life goes on".
As a person who have attended the mentioned contests (other than EPE's because of morals), I can honestly say there is only one contest in this nation I would ever attend and that contest would be Elvis Extravaganza. An Elvis Extravaganza contest is not a contest; it's a show. This is the first contest I have ever attended and the ETAs actually talked to each before, during and after the show. Also, your organizer of this show is actually on stage instead of sitting behind a table somewhere and all the ETAs conversing with them about what song they should sing next or how they did or why they aren't in the finals. After you complete an Extravaganza show, you actually felt like you performed for the audience instead of a bunch of drunk, thinking from the crotch judges who already had their favorites picked already. As I have stated before, this is not publicity free-bee for Jamie Coyne and Elvis Extravaganza but I wished I could say the same for the rest of the contests held in the USA. Call me a sore loser or sour grape but what some of you can't stand is someone who will shoot straight instead of from the hip.
Now, let's get back out there and Rock and Roll for Elvis like we are supposed to.
Butch Dicus, At
2:16 PM
Nicely stated Jamie, and Butch!! As you both know I'm not into contests much, mainly because I'm at a disadvantage going into them, because I don't dye my hair or wear a wig, due to a promise that I made to my mother before she passed away. Do I need to go to contests? No, because I have been blessed, and I am booked near every week. I entered an Elvis Extravaganza show earlier this year, and I must say that it was a lot of fun, and it was more like a show than a contest, the guys were great, and I had a blast. You may wonder why I entered. Well, for one Jamie has been asking me to come to one since I first got to know him on Elvii. I promised him that I would make one. Did I win? No,but I didn't expect too. The true reason that I attended was for the fans, and bring the sound of Elvis to them. If I for that one moment that I'm performing can make the audience think back and hear Elvis, then I succeeded. The fans were great, and when I was done they gave me an ovation, and kept yelling for an encore, so in my own way, I was a winner, because I succeeded what I set out to do. Jamie, you put on a classy show, so keep up the good work!...Jim Felix "Sounds Of Elvis"
Jim Felix, At
8:45 PM
I agree,
I don't do many contests either. But Jamie puts on a great show and we all feel like we are apart of the family.
Keep up the good work for Elvis
Blog Post, At
10:30 AM
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