Shawn Klush should do the right thing and step down.
Shawn Klush should do the right thing and step down.
He did not get it fair and square from what it seems. I feel he had to know it was his band don't you think? So, it was the winners band who backed the contestants at the fair?
Hmmm. Do you think the fair had something to do with it also? Maybe they were promised this shot in the arm advertising for their fair nationwide by EPE. The fair booked the band and the jordaniares (Shawn Klush said in that newspaper interviews he was contacted and kept being urged by the jordanaire to enter the contest) and if you look at the fairs website they have only been a fair for 3 years.
Something smells here and now they get instant notority from their contest winner. ANd...They only offered $200.00 prize...WHAT!!! Everyone knows better.
I read the post about the consumer thing and called them. They said it is not a grand formal thing all they will do is write the contest hoster and EPE and ask them for a reason and they have 10 days to answer. So I urge the contestants to get the answers if they feel the need to.Here is the link again... I
I'd like to hear the answer to this one. And Really it is not fair to everyone who entered all the contests if you look at the big picture. And I suggest there should be an investigation into all the licensees that held these contests. I have heard so many complaints about persons being hired before the contest and then winning, family members being judges and all kids of stories.
Well, I feel congratulation goes out to Trent Carlini the True Ultimate Winner. It will all come out in the wash as they say...
He did not get it fair and square from what it seems. I feel he had to know it was his band don't you think? So, it was the winners band who backed the contestants at the fair?
Hmmm. Do you think the fair had something to do with it also? Maybe they were promised this shot in the arm advertising for their fair nationwide by EPE. The fair booked the band and the jordaniares (Shawn Klush said in that newspaper interviews he was contacted and kept being urged by the jordanaire to enter the contest) and if you look at the fairs website they have only been a fair for 3 years.
Something smells here and now they get instant notority from their contest winner. ANd...They only offered $200.00 prize...WHAT!!! Everyone knows better.
I read the post about the consumer thing and called them. They said it is not a grand formal thing all they will do is write the contest hoster and EPE and ask them for a reason and they have 10 days to answer. So I urge the contestants to get the answers if they feel the need to.Here is the link again... I
I'd like to hear the answer to this one. And Really it is not fair to everyone who entered all the contests if you look at the big picture. And I suggest there should be an investigation into all the licensees that held these contests. I have heard so many complaints about persons being hired before the contest and then winning, family members being judges and all kids of stories.
Well, I feel congratulation goes out to Trent Carlini the True Ultimate Winner. It will all come out in the wash as they say...
Well, now it comes out that you are a Trent Carlini fan.
Anonymous, At
2:33 PM
no...but it's not much different than Gore and Bush...Bush got the credit and the gig but Gore should have been president.
Anonymous, At
2:49 PM
NO...Stupid. it only goes that if the winner is removed the next in line gets the gig. DUH!
Blog Post, At
6:24 PM
Boys and girls,
In all seriousness, the following individuals should not have been allowed to compete in the Ultimate Elvis Contest per the rules of the organizers which states "individuals cannot be employees of EPE". And those individuals were:
Brandon Bennett for his participation in the Reese's Peanut Butter and Banana candy.
Donny Edwards for his participation in the first EPE sponsored ETA show in Memphis last year.
Shawn Klush for his participation in the first EPE sponsored ETA show in Memphis last year and his recent participation during the filming of the opening scene of the 30th Anniversary Concert in Memphis held on August 16th (two days prior to the finals of EPE's contest). The filming had to have taken place way before the concert was orchestrated to fit in to the right place in sequence and then of course, Mr. Klush's personal appearance right before the band started the show.
Thank God Ryan Pelton did not compete (due to the fact he was the "Elvis" for the Presley/Dion American Idol deal) and we know who owns American Idol.
Let the chips fall where they may.
Butch Dicus, At
9:08 PM
If i'm not mistaken didn't EPE hire Shawn Klush and Donnie Edwards to perform in Tupelo for that contest. there for Butch is absolutly correct. If it was done right I wonder what the outcome would have been, it sure would have been different and interesting.
Anonymous, At
12:30 AM
You guys are on a witchunt. If either of you were at the contest you would know Klush won it without a doubt. EPE has used ETA's for things in the past but so what? I am not sure I understand what difference it makes to them if Klush Carlini or whoever wins. I am not pro EPE I am just saying the contest was great and the right guy won and you guys are trying to take his glory. There is a difference between an employee and work for hire. Obvioulsy Klush, Bennet, Edwards are the best guys so I am not sure what the problem is
Anonymous, At
2:29 PM
I like Jamie Coyne but you do realize this Website is run by him and his contests are competition to EPE and that is why there is so much anti EPE talk. Obvioulsy Coynes competitions have suffered now that EPE is involved. Also for those who think the fix was in for Klush do you think EPE paid all the audience members to give him the biggest standing ovation of the night?
Anonymous, At
2:57 PM
when someone hires you to do a job no matter what it is, then you work for them during that time, they are your boss. I can really care less who won the contest but by all fairness someone who has worked for the company that is putting on a contest should not be allowed to enter it.
Anonymous, At
4:00 PM
And Life goes on.
Butch Dicus, At
5:17 PM
On the Jamie Coyne and being this is his site. NO, it is not. He is the biggest and longest contest provider yes and I really doubt he is hurting considering if you look a the elvis contest website they have a lot going on.
I understand he is only a host and not the producer. He sold his share to a group of people several years ago when he was taking care of a brother who had eventually passed away last year....I think.
Anyway, the EPE contests should be investigated. I have heard so many facts and true stories.
I agree things should have been different being they are Elvis.
Unknown, At
1:35 PM
Great words, Judy. Thank you.
Butch Dicus, At
2:17 PM
I think that people are just sick and tired of the "powers that be" never allowing a newcomer a chance to win or even prove themselves because the favorites are already set. This isn't like a karate tournament where the person with best ability wins with skill. The contests are judged and if the judging isn't balanced, then it cheats people that are damn good but can never get the title they deserve. I think people here are not ANTI-EPE. I just think they want change, just like everyone else.
Tony Leon, At
12:17 PM
Anyone who says that they are BETTER THAN ELVIS and that Elvis would be pretty blown away by them, shouldn't even be allowed to sing Elvis songs let alone enter contests. I am refering to Trent Carlini. I would like all Elvis fans to know what a conceited, arrogant jerk he really is.
Unknown, At
6:22 PM
Wow, Tony and Betty, where have you been all my life?
Butch Dicus, At
11:12 PM
Just like the saying goes: "You can never satisfy everyone" and always in all competitions the big winner in my opinion may not be the best. Sometimes judging is confined to some limited merits only. Therefore, all competitors are winners in their own ways
Unknown, At
11:07 PM
Wow ricardo,
Sounds like you read the how to play with everyone book. But in reality Graceland/EPE are the real losers. It is now considered a fixed contest. No class at all and you have a woman named Nancy Fox of EEN (Elvis Nut Network)telling people she is the booking agent for the EPE contest and she can get ETA's into the finals if you go to a contest she is involved with. This was on her website. Come to find out she wasn't anything at EPE or represented them at all.
Her so called guys lost and didn't even make it to the finals.
So guys that was a waste of your time and money. remember that.
No one will put any trust or confidence in an EPE contest again. Come on. The guy that won it was his band and manager. The Jordanaire which was Ray Walker called this guy to enter the last one before the finals and told him to enter. This was all in the newspaper from the winners mouth.
Give it up man, Step Down you cheater.
And really they gave him a title of the Ultimate Elvis. I know Elvis Presley is rolling. They really screwed up and big time.
So EPE here is some FREE advice
Give up the contests. You have really damaged Elvis Presley's sale ability. "Elvis is" your slogan and it will read "Elvis Was" because we now have a new winner. the cast that put you here and hire a new group to guide you or loose it all.
Your going in the wrong direction. Get rid of your PR guy and your so called marketing dept. It's obvious he is stealing from the M&M gang on some of this stuff.
Go back to the drawing board. Use Elvis.
Call a press conference like Trump did over the chick that won Miss America who was tramping around NY.
Tell people you did not know of all the cheating and give the crown to the next in line. Save your face and make it a big media event.
It's better than being called cheaters.
well ricardo or whoever you really are, that's just my opinion. And everyone has one.
Blog Post, At
5:34 PM
I get so sick of those select few saying the ETA contest was fixed in people are degrading Graceland by such comments..I was there the entire week of the contest and for those of you that seem to be running your mouth must not have been there..Shawn Klush and his performance spoke for it's self..the Elvis fans spoke for their choice,not a person in the building was sitting when Shawn Klush walked out on stage and begin his truibute to the King,can thousands of people be fixed ?? for those of us that are true Elvis fans and love the man want the best for the job.I don't know how any of you can support what Trent Carlini said on National TV he wanted to be better then Elvis,he disgraced the very jumpsuit that puts food on his table..It doesn't matter who did what, or who the band was,or who knew whom,thousands of people went wild over Shawn Klush..IT WAS THE FANS THAT WANTED SHAWN KLUSH..don't you guys get it?? If anyone needs to step down it's these other ETA's that gets on stage with zero love for Elvis or what he stands for and earns a buck from this beautiful man..shame on all of you that want anything less then the best to remember our King..
blueeyes, At
9:32 AM
How sad for those of you with one tracks minds... please someone tell me what would Graceland/ Epe stand to gain by fixing a contest? why would it matter to them who the winner was other then them wanting the best for the job?..have all of you narrow minded people lost sight of reality? This is Elvis's impire not the ETA's...IT's Elvis that has built the foundation that gives the ETA's a job,It's not the ETA's builting it for Elvis..THIS IS ABOUT OUR LOVE FOR ELVIS PEOPLE!!I am sure we all have our favorite ETA but the bottom line is this is all about Elvis..and when thousands of people come together and stands for the one ETA they fill gives us the most out of his performance,reminds us most of Elvis and this is what we want,why can't rest of you get it? For the life of me I can't understand if you are a true Elvis fan,and have the love in your heart for Elvis why are there so many negative comments about his family and his estate,and yes EPE was chosen by his family for his estate.and I'm sorry but if anyone thinks Elvis would be proud of or honor by someone wanting to be better then him,or thinks he's better then him, or doesn't do his memory with respect and love...maybe you are not a Elvis fan after all....
blueeyes, At
10:28 AM
One more for the road to Butch..first it's my understanding Ryan Pelton couldn't get off work to compete in the contest other wise would have..and if you think because some of the better performers that have done job's in the past where EPE was with-in a 100 miles of them is an employee of EPE better get out the pay-roll book and futher more maybe you think we all should just let anyone that throws on a jumpsuit enter and win a contest just because we have never seen or heard of them before and let them be our choice to honor our KING..and if you can believe all this...still explain why thousand's around the world stood for Shawn KLUSH ???????????
blueeyes, At
10:45 AM
You're missing the point.
This isn't about Shawn's talent. Or wanting to understand 'why.' - Why doesn't matter. What does matter are the facts.
Shawn should not have been eligible to compete in Franklin due to the fact that his manager helped organize the event.
Didn't someone suggest a similiar situation with the Alabama Contest? The Virginia Contest?
The point is that there evidentally were no controls in place. Pay the money - put on a contest - and pick a winner. (even if that meant the organizer of the contest had a relationship with a contestant - that went on to win.
Sounds like an easy way for me to get my favorite Elvis into the finals...fork out - and they are on their way...
Doesn't that resonate with anyone? The people who are trying to simply act "above reproach" and deflect the criticism are totally focused on "how good he is" or "he would have won anyway" or "we all had a good time" or "everyone stood up" "the fans love him" "what would epe gain." "thousands stood for him."
You people have missed the point completely.
Anonymous, At
11:15 AM
And Life goes on......
Butch Dicus, At
1:24 PM
I'm missing the point??This isn't about talent?? Shawn Klush shouldn't have been eligible ?? I don't even understand that you have a are trying to say because Shawn's manager help organize something that it gave him total power over the contest,stole the mind's of the judges and the judges were so greatful to him for his help they were willing to throw the contest..well I guess I am in the wrong bussness,because I help organize many things from Church events to Dog Shows and I sure don't get to call the shots and get control of the judges,so I guess I need to become someones manager and gain these magical ok sounds like you got the Franklin thing figure out so it got Shawn to the final's in Memphis..what then?? just wondered how much you think it took this manager of Shawn's to pay off Graceland and those judges Oh and us don't forget the audience which I was a part of and not for sale. And I do believe EPE'S gains would have came from the same thousand no matter who they stood for and these was contest and it was about talent..SHAWN KLUSH was the winner and it's sad that people like you have to fine dishonesty in other people they don't have any ideal about...
blueeyes, At
2:01 PM
And did you know:
Mr. Potato Head was the invention of George Lerner in the late 1940s. The idea was originally to have it be a prize in breakfast cereal so that the separate parts could be distributed as cereal package premiums. But later Lerner showed the idea to the textile manufacturers Henry and Merrill Hassenfeld, who did business as the Hassenfeld Brothers (later shortened to Hasbro). and they loved it,so they bought back the rights.
When the toy was first manufactured, it came with 30 accessories.
When it was first sold to the public in 1952 it became the first toy to be sold through national television advertising and netted Hasbro over USD$4 million in Mr. Potato Head sales in its first year of production. In 1953, Mrs. Potato Head was added, and soon after Brother Spud and Sister Yam completed the Potato Head family. Although originally produced as separate plastic parts to be stuck into a real potato or other vegetable, a plastic body was added to the kit in the late 1950's.
In 1973 the main potato part of the toy doubled in size and the size of its accessories were similarly increased. This was done mainly due to new toy child safety regulations that were introduced by the U.S. government. Hasbro also replaced the holes with flat slats, which made it impossible for users to put the face pieces and other body parts the wrong way around. In the 1980s Hasbro reduced their range of accessories for Mr. Potato Head to one set of parts. They did however reintroduce round holes in the main potato body, and once again parts were able to go onto the toy the wrong way around. In 1987, one Mr. Potato Head part, the smoking pipe, was discontinued for good.
Mr. Potato Head first appeared on TV in Potato Head Kids, in which, ironically, he played a supporting character. He has appeared in both Toy Story movies (voiced by Don Rickles), had his own short-lived Fox Kids series The Mr. Potato Head Show from 1998-1999, been the subject of a comic strip created by Jim Davis, and advertised fries for Burger King in commercials after there was a considerable change in their taste. Currently, in Britain, Walkers crisps has a line of crisps called Potato Heads, featuring a Potato head rendition of Gary Lineker on the packet.
Mr. Potato Head enjoyed resurgence popularity with various tie-ins with other properties such as Star Wars, Spider-Man and Transformers. Starting in 2005 with a Mr. Potato Head hybrid crossing over popular characters from Star Wars including Darth Vader, Storm Trooper and R2-D2 resulting in Potato Head versions, Darth Tater, Spud Trooper and Artoo-Potatoo. The year 2007 saw the release of a Spider-Man cross-over resulting in Spider Spud, and with the release of the first live-action Transformers film, Optimash Prime.
In 2006, Hasbro also began selling individual pieces as sets to add to a collection instead of having to buy an enitre Potato Head set with a body. Some of these themes included Mermaid, Rockstar, Pirate, King, Princess, Firefighter, Construction Worker, Halloween and Santa Claus.
Butch Dicus, At
9:43 AM
Shawn Klush , Ray Walker, Dan Lentino, The Band, The Williamson County Fair, EPE were all apart of this last contest round.
It was unethical
It was fixed...Period.
Anonymous, At
9:24 PM
Better get ole Blue Eyes a sack to put her head in when the results come.
You have a is apprent oyu have some personal interest in this. You cannot think clearly.
Do you not understand? It was fixed. Money was the reason. money, money, money...
EPE threatened to sue the show Trent Carlini was on. So they were not going to let Carlini win their contest. They needed to put Klush in and it had to be guaranteed, which he was.
Blue Eyes you have no clue of how the inside industry works.
And your rant about being the love of Elvis. You are using Elvis to uphold EVIL.
The real people who love Elvis are the honest fans, the guys and gals who pay thousands of dollars to phony suit makers like B&K who brag we are the best costume company in the world we were Elvis' suit makers which is a lie, thousands of donated hours because we are told it's for the love of Elvis when the women just want a free cheap thrill, And now EPE because they love us now...
Get a life...
Anonymous, At
9:44 PM
LOL...He/she said "free cheap thrill"...LOL.
Butch Dicus, At
2:05 PM
Mr Anonymous,yes you are right I don't no how the "inside" works,I don't no where the money goes..but what I do no is I am a Elvis fan and I have been my whole life.I have been going to ETA events for over 20 years..I have seen short,tall,fat,small,I have heard great voices,I have heard terrible voices and my only personal interest in anything concerning my beloved Elvis is who ever gets on that stage make sure he honor's him with the up most respect,show your love and remember you are not Elvis and will never be..I want to see the look and hear the voice that I miss in my heart the day Elvis left us all,I want someone to be kind,honest,loving the way Elvis appeared to be in my eyes. I don't want a cocky person that thinks when he gets off that stage gives him the right to stick his nose in the air and treat the people that just paid to see him like they are nobody"s..I don't want someone to think they can or will ever take Elvis"s place in my heart.I want someone at the end of the day to pull off the cape and boots and no it's a job for him not a life..I want someone to study Elvis so close that he know's every movement Elvis makes on stage,I want someone that know's how many times that beautiful lip curled to what song,I want his jumpsuit to be as smooth and worn with the same pride my beloved Elvis wore it.I want the sky to be the limit with his voice the same as my beloved Elvis"s was..I want the outfits to match the songs that Elvis did.I want the sex appeal to be as innocent as it was with Elvis.. not a display of sexual moves,I want the best of the best to honor one of the most loved and missed men of our time.and for me I see all those things in MR SHAWN KLUSH and no amount of money or any amount of cheating buys my vision when this man is on stage. Every ETA on stage in that contest heard the fans choice when Shawn Klush did his performance I don't care what the people on the "inside" did because I was on the outside with rest the fans and we knew who we wanted to win and if the rest of the guys had a honest bone in there body each one of them could speak up and say yea we heard it but no they chose to shake the man"s and then back stab him if this makes you people want to put a bag over my head or correct my spelling or put me in some kind of low class commerical then go for it.. because I do love Elvis know every song.. own every movie and studied every move this beautiful man ever made..I eat,sleep,breath Elvis and have done so way before any of these guys were ever heard don't be telling me what I see or what I am all about or my love for Elvis..because all I have seen on this sight has been about who got cheated out of winning not one thing about who does the best performance this is my interest..but really what's yours and I'll tell you one thing I rather be outside in the rain with a bag over my head at a Shawn Klush show then front roll center VIP seat of someone that thinks he could ever be what Elvis was !!!
blueeyes, At
3:30 PM
Blueeyes, great story and I'm sure we heed every word honestly but I have to ask one question and not really sure if you were old enough during this certain time period. But did you grace the gates of Graceland on August 16, 1977? Did you ever stand at stage edge and witness Elvis from 5 feet away? Did you ever go backstage and shake hands with "The Man"?
There is no doubt Shawn Klush, Donny Edwards, Trent Carlini, Doug Church, Irv Cass or whoever puts on a decent tribute show in honor of Elvis Presley and I believe, in all sincerity, this is not being questioned in any of these blogs posted on ELVII Radio. But to also be a good impersonator or ETA, you also have to know "where was I when that song was first released?", "how did I feel the first time I heard that song?", and "what was going on in my life when that song first came out?". To sing "Separate Ways" you have to know what it is like to leave behind a marriage for whatever reason but unfortunately leaving behind a young child. To sing "Hurt" and remember that Mr. Presley also had some hurts in his life. To sing "American Trilogy" and remember the faces with no names of dead Marines laying inside a tent at Rhein Main Air Base Germany on hours after their dormitory was blown up in Beirut and their families standing at Frankfurt International wondering "is that my son?" or remember how proud you were when Air Force One hit the tarmac on an early West Germany morning and seeing nothing but the American Flag on the tail right before our American hostages on TWA were released. To stand at the gates of Graceland on August 17, 1977 and think "my God, he had the world in the palm of his hand and now, nothing" but make a promise while passing in review that his music would live forever, somehow some way.
Butch Dicus, At
10:59 PM
Blue Eye's
Don't use Elvis Presley in the same sentence as Shawn Klush.
Elvis would be ashamed. Because it's all about cheating to get a ticket sold. Elvis never had to cheat to get a full house, anywhere.
Shawn Klush will never fill a toe of Elvis Presley's Boot let alone be so close that people think it's Elvis.
Blue eye's: You are dreaming and out of reality.
Get a grip, you want what? You want a man to mimic another man to that level.
There was and still is only one Elvis Presley and EPE made a mistake to do this to his name and image. They have turned it into a Joke.
There is not one impersonator and that's what they are impersonators who can come close to Elvis. Elvis Presley Enterprises should have never stooped so low to call an impersonator the king of anything let alone acknowledge a ballheaded man from PA with not a vocal tone close to Elvis Presley's.
Elvis was a beautiful man
Graceland if you are anywhere please listen. Give us back Elvis we demand.
Anonymous, At
11:14 PM
The Hell with Shawn Klush....and all other ETA's......
There is ONLY one king.....ELVIS Aaron Presley??THE king ........They could sing..Do plastic surgery,Etc..They'll never be ELVIS or come close...Sorry that's my opinion....
Unknown, At
11:43 AM
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