Ultimate Elvis Contest keeps getting more interesting
EPE needs to get out of the contest business.
This just in...
Another completely unacceptable practice...this time at the Ultimate Elvis Contest held in Nashville last weekend.
Winner: Shawn Klush. Congratulations to Shawn. No one can deny the quality of his illusion.
However what is arguable is that he wins the contest - when the band for the contest is contracted
to Dan Lentino (The Dan Lentino Band).
Isn't Dan Lentino Shawn's manager?
Smells doesn't it?
It's really no different then those other contests that have winners with family members and friends and judges and sound people. When are people going to wake up.
Getting screwed is one thing. Paying to have it happen is something else.
This just in...
Another completely unacceptable practice...this time at the Ultimate Elvis Contest held in Nashville last weekend.
Winner: Shawn Klush. Congratulations to Shawn. No one can deny the quality of his illusion.
However what is arguable is that he wins the contest - when the band for the contest is contracted
to Dan Lentino (The Dan Lentino Band).
Isn't Dan Lentino Shawn's manager?
Smells doesn't it?
It's really no different then those other contests that have winners with family members and friends and judges and sound people. When are people going to wake up.
Getting screwed is one thing. Paying to have it happen is something else.
We were in the contest for the Ultimate Elvis in Virginia Beach, VA. The winner of that contest was the headling group on Saturday night before the contest on Sunday and he was also from Virginia Beach. I thought that it was unfair then, but now sounds like it might be the norm for their contests.
Anonymous, At
4:07 PM
I can only say one thing and I said it last November, until the ETA wakes up and realizes what is going on, he/she will be continuously made the fool. I beg each ETA to go out, find your own shows and promote Elvis like we should be promoting. Leave the dirty work to the has-been bodyguards and hanger-ons who one day will also be gone and we will be the only legacy left to support the "Greatest Entertainer of the Century". If you don't believe what is going on, just take a look at the TOP 10 Finalists to perform on August 17th and three of these performers were hired by EPE in the last year. It's about the $$$ now, people.
Butch Dicus, At
1:18 AM
Marketing 101 says...
Young Elvis is more viable to win. They can't promote all these jumpsuit winners. It would be too confusing to the general public. So, does anyone want to bet it's Brandon Bennett!
It would be the young Elvis. They have as shown in the past tried to attract the younger crowd and it's not the older Elvis that can do that. They already have the older crowd. So they are trying to get a younger crowd to accept Elvis as hip today because the Elvis Fans are dying off.
The numbers were not good in Memphis this year. And of course they will lame the heat. And maybe it did keep some of the old fans away. It just goes to show that they are not young enough to support the cause.
Elvis is...Elvii Now! and it really is changing the direction. So guys I have to agree with Butch. Get your own shows. In your own communities and support Elvis in your own way, not the EPE way.
If you want some help getting shows in your area write me. I'll help you to do that by showing you how.
I am going to be at the Elvis Extravaganza Convention this coming January & February. I will be available to talk with you personally then. Just send an email post.
Marketing & PR Specialist
Anonymous, At
3:14 PM
After going to the following web site http://www.usatoday.com/life/music/news/2007-08-13-elvis-contest_N.htm I was really surprised at the quality the TOP TEN lacked. I will agree with KC as I have said all along, Brandon Bennett. Shawn Klush's vocals and image were way off. Our little Scandinavian friend, well what can I said. "NOT". Obviously it was all a set up and the final salute to ELVIS in a big way...until the 50th anniversary. I'll be at Resting Bottoms Nursing Home (committed) entertaining for the group there so I'm not worried:)
Butch Dicus, At
11:03 PM
I was at the contest and it is the best I have ever seen. Klush and Carlini hardly ever compete and they did for EPE and they were great. Whoever is saying the talent is lacking is just bitter they were not a part of it
Anonymous, At
2:55 AM
And whoever signed "Anonymous" obviously doesn't have the gonads to validate their name or issue. As for comments concerning quality or lacking, it is an opinion but I have noticed in this stupid ass ETA world, opinions are not allowed. As for being bitter, you might want to check my 2007 schedule. I don't have time to be bitter and filling EPE's pockets with money.
Butch Dicus, At
9:25 PM
It is unfortunate how jealous and pathethic you are. You sit on the blow speaking negatively about others when they are doing great tributes and entertaining fans when all you do is sit online and complain.
Anonymous, At
10:41 PM
Sit on the blow? Did you mean "blog"? First of all, dipstick, you don't know who I am and I don't really care to know who you are though again you are proving yourself a possible scarf chaser and not an ETA because a real ETA would have been out during this last week performing and you only have blinders for one ETA and again, I will state these are only opinions but you might want to sit back and compare vocals between individuals like Doug Church who in my opinion lead the vocals department and some do lack it. Again, Anonymous, have a blessed day.
Butch Dicus, At
12:13 AM
From KC's quote:
"If you want some help getting shows in your area write me. I'll help you to do that by showing you how."
KC, don't be giving our secrets away...LOL. Just kidding. If it's the help I think you are talking about, well I guess I'm the poster child...LOL.
Take care.
Butch Dicus, At
12:15 AM
I am not and ETA, just an Elvis fan. You act as if you are some millionaire when half of your gigs are tiny. Why do you speak negatively about all of the other ETA's who are now thriving. You claim your intentions are to help other ETA's but really all you are doing is hurting them
Anonymous, At
9:57 PM
please clear somthing up for me is a scarf chaser the samething as a sideburn chaser. keep up the good veiws I love reading them maybe the right ones will win sometimes but I doubt it. tcb in a flash
Anonymous, At
2:07 AM
Anonymous quote:
"I am not and ETA, just an Elvis fan. You act as if you are some millionaire when half of your gigs are tiny. Why do you speak negatively about all of the other ETA's who are now thriving. You claim your intentions are to help other ETA's but really all you are doing is hurting them"
First of all obviously you know me by the comment of "my gigs being tiny", though you do not define the word "tiny". An audience is not judged by the number in the crowd but the quality. I have performed for crowds of 10 to 8500 and really, if you convert one person to finally take notice of Elvis after all these years we have done our job. As for hurting ETAs, well after reviewing everything I have said on this certain blog, I have only opinion comments on material (videos) provided. Off nights happen and it is understandable. But I will say, there is a difference between an Elvis fan and an ETA fan. So, I just ask, "don't take it personally" whoever you are. And yes, believe me, I'm no millionaire and never will be but I will tell you, my rewards will come later, after you and I are gone and that's my comfort.
As for the question concerning scarf chasers, yes I have heard many ETAs call them sideburn chasers also. And these are not "Elvis Fans". For those who chastise a sex offender ought to come to an ETA contest and witness some of the goings on by some of the females towards 18 year old boys. I believe it is great when a group of people get together to pay tribute to a great entertainer but unfortunately, to include judges, some cannot tell the difference between Elvis and the entertainer.
Butch Dicus, At
10:05 AM
Question to all , how many contests are not fair?
For a new comer ETA, is it worth there time?
Anonymous, At
6:24 AM
Dear Anonymous,
To ask a question to your question, I have to ask "Do you have the time?" or the money? or the patience? Though contests were first conducted so ETAs could come together to share ideas, soon organizers realized money could be made from these "contests" and well, the rest is history. I guess the question I have for you is "do you have enough money in your bank account to perform for free?". Basically you are providing a service you have worked very hard to achieve, spent many dollars upgrading your wardrobe and travel many miles and not being paid for it. Actually, you will be the one paying to perform. A typical contest will cost you $50.00 to $100.00 to enter, $100.00 travel time not to include lodging which is normally $45.00 to $95.00 a night, then considering what you charge for a show you are losing time for a paid show to do something for free. By the time you get to your contest, perform your given set and spend the rest of the time waiting to see if you won $500 to $1000, you have already spent $1200.00 in effort and materials. To counteract this loss, get yourself five shows during the same week of the contest and make $1000 plus exposure to new clients. Organizers will try to tell you "you will get great exposure from the contest" when in fact the organizer 1) has already chosen the winner, 2) the audience are fan-based and bias to one ETA and 3) unless you belong to one certain organization in the USA, you might as well send me the %50.00 entry fee and have a good dinner.
So, after doing your math, I believe you will come up with your answer quickly. On an upbeat note, if the contest is in your local area or atleast a couple hours away, go for it just for the "awaking experience".
Last but not least ask yourself "which sounds better on a resume?". "I won two contests" or "I performed 160 shows last year which included 6 casinos, 47 corporate events, 13 birthday parties (which included a 5 and 6 year old - remember, that's our future we are talking about), 87 nursings homes, and volunteer for a local hospice in my home town". Ummm...I think I would hire the second guy because contests are not "forever"; memories are.
Butch Dicus, At
9:33 AM
Thanks Butch,
I have seen some contests were some people that win are not that good and the some that should be there and they are not. HMMMM.
So how should one market themself.Just volunteer. When does the money come? or does it? And how much can you expect to make as an ETA .
Anonymous, At
9:51 AM
Just so you everyone knows Butch is known as a joke within the ETA industry so I would not take much of what he has to say to heart.
Anonymous, At
12:00 PM
At least he has the balls to sign his name to his comments.
Administrator, At
12:02 PM
LOL. The anonymous individual who said I was a joke, thank you so much for the compliment. But after seven years, the joke is on those who have said that and basically my record speak for themselves. For the anonymous individual asking about marketing, money and fame, check your heart again. If money and fame is your main concern in this business, go back to driving a truck.
As for the administrator's comments, that will never happen. I have yet to see anyone in this business, whether ETA or otherwise, have the gonads to admit to their comments and basically, they are sad people wishing for the star.
Butch Dicus, At
1:00 PM
In defense of Butch I will say that he is not a joke he is actually a pretty good ETA. Sure he is not on the level of a Klush or Carlini but not many are. Keep performing Butch. We fans would love to see you in an ETA contest in Memphis next year. You probably would not win but you could make top ten.
Anonymous, At
2:05 PM
Thank you for the compliment. I was actually going to say a little more but opted to leave it alone...LOL. Surprise Surprise.
Butch Dicus, At
2:48 PM
So what would an average ETA make, if he was good that is?
Anonymous, At
4:12 PM
To answer that question, it would be easier explain the theory of relativity. Please believe me when I say, "The sky's the limit". How bad do you want to work? How much do you believe in yourself? Can you sell yourself? Do you understand the ferris wheel method of marketing? Are you looking for an easy way to make money or an easy way to inspire people to live happy lives?
Only you know how much you can make.
Butch Dicus, At
10:23 PM
What I would like to know is are these other E.T.A.'s that have already competed in the Memphis contest during Elvis week,be allowed to also compete during the Elvis Extravaganza?Would that be fair to allow them to enter into this?
Anonymous, At
11:16 AM
Better wire the Elvis Extravaganza about that one!
Administrator, At
11:46 AM
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