Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest
During 2007, for the first time ever, Elvis Presley Enterprises held the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest. The contest was a search for the Elvis Tribute Artist that is the "best representation of the legacy of Elvis Presley."
Congratulations to all the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest preliminary winners and contest finalists!
Shawn Klush named
Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist of 2007
Pittston, PA
Preliminary Winner of Viva Las Franklin
Born and raised in the small coal-mining town of Pittston, Pennsylvania, Shawn's love for music led him to begin imitating his musical idol, Elvis. While Shawn loves performing Elvis on stage, he says he is first and foremost an Elvis fan.

2nd Place Winner: Trent Carlini
Henderson, Nevada
Winner of Love Me Tender in Texas
3rd Place Winner: Donny Edwards
Las Vegas, Nevada
Winner of The Promised Land Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest
Other top 10 finalists included (listed in alphabetical order):
Jeff Golden - Alabama Ultimate Elvis Contest
Joseph Hall - Chingawassa Days Ultimate Elvis Contest
Kjell Henning Bjornestad - Last Man Standing Ultimate Elvis Contest
Ben Klein - Kelowna Elvis Festival
Paul Larcombe - Walk A Golden Mile In My Shoes
Jay Zanier - Collingwood Elvis Festival
Trent Carlini came in as the USA Today Reader Favorite in their online poll.
Let us not forget also the "original" Memphis ETA contest....Images of the King.
1st Place: Johnny Thompson
2nd Place: Gino Minopoli
3rd Place: Scott Norton
Butch Dicus, At
10:56 AM
Shawn Klush should do the right thing and step down. He did not get it fair and square. I feel he had to know it was his band don't you think?
So, it was the winners band who backed the contestants at the fair? Hmmm. Do you think the fair had something to do with it also? Maybe they were promised this shot in the arm advertising for their fair nationwide by EPE. The fair booked the band and the jordaniares (Shawen Klush said in a newspaper interview he was contacted and kept being urged by the jordanaire to enter the contest) and if you look at the fairs website they have only been a fair for 3 years. Something smells here and now they get instant notority from their contest winner. ANd...They only offered $200.00 prize...WHAT!!! Everyone knows better.
I read the post about the consumer thing and called them. They said it is not a grand formal thing all they will do is write the contest hoster and EPE and ask them for a reason and they have 10 days to answer. So I urge the contestants to get the answers if they feel the need to.
Here is the link again...http://www.state.tn.us/consumer/consCompFrm.html
I like to hear the answer to this one.
And Really it is not fair to everyone who entered all the contests if you look at the big picture. And I suggest there should be an investigation into all the licensees that held these contests. I have heard so many complaints about persons being hired before the contest and then winning, family members being judges and all kids of stories.
Well I feel congratulation goes out to Trent Carlini the True Ultimate Winner.
It will all come out...
Anonymous, At
1:01 PM
As I have stated before and I will say again, I do not know Mr. Klush, Mr. Lentino or even Mr. Carlini but as this story goes on I'm expecting Tony Soprano to show up pretty soon. Episode One (The Post-Show):
Tony: Yous guys did alright tonight. I'm not really crazy about Memphis like my fodder was in the old days but the show, it was ok.
Lentino: Yeah boss, but did you see the faces of those otha jokers when the finalists were announced and they thought they should have been in the finals. Cracks me up about those guys.
Carlini: Yeah, but I can't understand it. All of the family got together earlier and voted me in on the USA Today's paper like they did for my $1000 win at Elvii Radio but I didn't get the crown.
Tony: Dat's because ya shot ya big mouth off on that TV show about being "Better than Elvis" and geez Louise, Trent ole boy, where was ya head? You had the world in the palm of ya hand and ya blew it. You could have been uh contender and Klush would be singin' second fiddle tonight.
Lentino: Hey, hey, hey, dat's my boy you are talking about, Tony. Little Shawn has worked hard since the Potato Famine to get to where he is and I was going to make sure of it. We were patient, we waited until the last contest and POW!..we surprised everyone except dat guy in Arkansas who is always snooping in of ETAs' business. Dat guy almost blew our cover stating if Little Shawn came into the race, that little Louisiana boy would be out. I just want to know, "How did he know?".
Tony: It doesn't matter now. What matters is that I get over to the Tennessee Attorney General's office tomorrow and talk to Cousin Vinnie about putting the wraps on any info dat might leak about Mr. Walker's involvement, your band's involvement and Jack Ruby's gun...wait, that was something else. Cousin Vinnie owes me and this one is a biggy.
Butch Dicus, At
9:21 PM
TONY: Ok fellas, you know why we are here. That Elvis fella did not do very much for the Italian population. I mean, think about it, O Sole Mio he took and turned it into an American Song.
Diamond Joe E: Yeah, and if you look back at his movies, not one Italian was featured. Either it was the black and French folk down in New Orleans, or little oriental girls dancing with him on the islands or Mexican band members doing Bossa Nova or even German people singing with him in GI Blues.
Carlini: Yeah and he never played an Italian part. Always a half breed indian or a frenchman in Easy Come Easy Go.
Lentino: Wait, he played a frogman in Easy Come, Easy Go.
Carlini: Right, that's what I meant. Anyway, all of those possible parts and not one an Italian.
Lentino: Yes, but Trent, you coulda be uh contender for a part but ya had to open your spaghetti hole. But with Diamond Joe and our little Englishman, Schilling in our corner, we can't lose. As long as those West boys don't find out. God, they will write about anything.
Butch Dicus, At
11:19 PM
Inspector Grissom of the CSI unit of Franklin, Tennessee investigates the crime scene where a recent contest was held in support of Keeping The King Alive. Looking into a garbage can, Inspector Grissom discovers what he was afraid to find...his lunch.
The CSI combs the stage area, the audience seats and concession stands for evidence of wrong-doing and Inspector Blueeyes shouts:
Inspector Blueeyes: Grissom, over here.
Inspector Grissom: What is it, Blueeyes?
Inspector Blueeyes: It's hair, but not human but as from a toupee.
Inspector Grissom: Where did you find it?
Inspector Blueeyes: In the dressing room with the big star on the door and the initials "SK". Seems everyone else in the contest had to share the men's bathroom down the hall, to the left, passed the janitor's closet with the initials "DL". And don't go in the men's bathroom; hairspray and gel is all over the floor and the sinks are stained with "Brut".
Inspector Grissom: God, what a mess. But you say this hair came from this room? Wasn't this the room of the suspect we are tracking?
Inspector Blueeyes: Yes, but we have already done a DNA sample of the suspect and find all his hairs are in place, including the three he glued on his chest right before the show. This hair came from an unknown. An individual who, at first, you would not know is wearing a toupee.
Inspector Grissom: And those shoe prints. Did you note those in your journal?
Inspector Blueeyes: You know I write everything down in my journal. Just like the time we were in the office and you were teaching me the proper way of cavity searching.....
Inspector Grissom: Yes, yes, yes..enough about that. Excuse me, can I help you?
R. Walker: Uh, yes. I was just making sure this area was clean and uh, well, uh...
Inspector Grissom: Sir, do you mind if I ask you a very sensitive question? That hair you have on the top of your head? Is it your hair or did a possum from down the road take up residence? Or....is it a toupee?
R. Walker: Uh, well, uh I have to admit, I'm not as young as I used to be and well, it is a toupee.
Inspector Grissom: Could you possibly tell me what you were doing in this dressing room when actually your dressing room was two doors down? And why the imprints of your Hush Puppy shoes are standing directly behind the imprints of a pair of boots facing the same direction? and why are there handprints on the countertop facing in the same direction? Where you, Mr. Walker, in this room at the same time as the suspect?
R. Walker: Yes, I give up, I admit it. I'm so old and he's so young. I wanted to see his career go forth where mine is soon to dwindle to nothing. You can only provide back up singing for so long and I am so tired. I mean, look at JD Sumner. He went early. I was just looking out for the poor fella and now, I guess I have to pay the piper, huh?
Inspector Grissom: Yes sir, I believe you do. Like the old philosopher, George W., once said "You can fool me once and shame on you, fool me twice and I'll tell Momma" or something like that. I really don't know what it means but hey, I still get paid. Inspector Blueeyes, call for backup.
Butch Dicus, At
12:10 AM
Did you know that the Images winners were all guys who lost in the qualifying round of the ETA contest. The reason being that the talent pool at Images was not what it was at the EPE contest. I was at both
Anonymous, At
2:31 PM
Yes, if you tracked both contests you would know the non-qualifying members of the EPE bunch did go over to Images and rack up first, second and third. I'm not sure what that means but you might want to talk to Bobby and Michael Hoover concerning talent they are allowing into Images, which by the way was the same talent Doc Franklin allowed for many years.
Butch Dicus, At
5:09 PM
I think you are a flag waiver for EPE and should get lost.
Images and the other contests have been around ffro years and have eaten crap and been humiliated by EPE and they fixed the contest so their winner would win.
Carlini should get it by all rights. It was not fair and now EPE will always be considered as Cheats. What a poor way to end Elvis Presley's Memory.
Get rid of the trash at EPE and do something good for once.
Anonymous, At
2:46 PM
I'm not really sure what that comment really meant but obviously it's from the same person who definitely doesn't know how to use either spell check or gets a little too excited that they are actually on a public forum and get to express their five cents worth of "info". Who are you actually referring to as the EPE flag waver (not waiver)? I have yet to see a post on this section in favor of the "wonderful" (tongue in cheek) people at EPE.
Butch Dicus, At
9:46 PM
Butch.. you need to get a life or get laid which ever will soothe your soul..It seems you are angry at the world and "Butch" is the only person on the planet with any worth..you need to contact ABC with your cute commercial,they may pay yet another loser 100.000..speaking of toupee better check TC it doesn't belong to SK..when I picture you it's not booth prints behind someone instead it's knee prints in front.and go a head correct my spelling or question my intelligence because I don't clam to be God's helper that's your job or maybe you need to become a school teacher seems you have something to teach everyone that leaves a comment!!!!!!!!!!11
Anonymous, At
9:50 AM
Wow. Thank you so much. Somebody is obviously worried about my well-being and I really appreciate that. That is what it should be. Someone stepping up to the plate and caring for others. It should be noted by the Administrator of this blog that Anonymous should post their names so "thank you" letters can be sent. Again, thank you so much.
As far as a commercial you reference, it was actually showing how stupid things can get, especially things we can't control like the EPE contest. But some will read it as "slamming someone" or "talking bad" and well, we sure can't control how people think.
And I apologize to you for making you think I correct grammar but let's take a line that you just typed and analyze how it could be misunderstood.
"when I picture you it's not booth prints behind someone instead it's knee prints in front"...now I'm not sure what "booth" prints are but was this having to do with a concession stand at a fair or was that suppose to be "both" prints which still doesn't make any sense or was it "foot" prints which would kind of be understood if explained a little further. But when you state "knee prints in front", which could be understood in many things, I believe that you are too classy of a person to reference a possible sexual preference of someone you don't even know. Also, I don't believe anyone made reference to SK or shall we say "Shawn Klush" as wearing a toupee. Paying another loser $100,000? Wow. Make my day.
Angry at the world? Yes, you could say that but I believe political differences should not be discussed on a forum designed for ELVII Radio.
Have a great day and by the way, being God's helper isn't something to be ashamed to claim (or clam).
Butch Dicus, At
12:07 PM
Did you mean Elvis Radio?,because I am not sure I have heard of ELVII Radio..and rest the comments take as you will..if the "BOOTH" or "BOOT" fits ..wear it..
Anonymous, At
1:19 PM
Well, if you have not heard of ELVII Radio, how in the heck did you get on this blog?...LOL. If you type www.elvii.com, you will get ELVII Radio.
I don't think "boot" was mentioned but that was a good word too. Tune in tomorrow and we'll have another "Word For The Day".
Oh, and go to ELVII Radio to hear the best impersonators and ETAs in the world.
Butch Dicus, At
2:00 PM
Yeah, really someone saying they haven't heard of Elvii radio has had their head stuck somewhere and if it's Ray I am sure it was in the closet...Huh Ray!Are we talking toupees here!!!
It'll all come out in the wash as my mother says.
Anonymous, At
8:28 PM
Yeas, He knows what being on his knees is for...
He is a sick dog or old man which ever you prefer. Prevert or is the prefer?
Anonymous, At
8:29 PM
Note to the administrator: If you could please at least monitor the "Anonymous" inputs. This is getting really confusing due to the fact we have anonymous than we go people who don't mind giving their names or call signs and the conversation is getting, let's just say, out of mind and out of hand.
Butch Dicus, At
8:58 PM
We aim to please...
For people who don't know how to sign up for a blogger account to post here's the deal:
We are now monitoring ANONYMOUS POSTS and anything less than productive will not be posted.
Administrator, At
9:14 PM
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