Ultimate EPE Fixed Contests
Williamson County Fair stated that their member Dave Crouch was in the choir with Ray Walker and that Ray Walker told Dave Crouch of the county fair to have the contest.
Then there was a meeting with Ray Walker, Dave Crouch and Diane Giddens to put the plans in place to have a contest. Sounds bad here...then Ray Walker told them how and who to hire for the contest. The contest only offered a $200.00 prize. And a free hotel room in Memphis during Elvis Week.
Which Klush used while he was being filmed for the "Elvis in Concert" concert while in Memphis during Elvis week.
There was also another meeting prior when EPE hired Klush to do the video for the Memphis "Elvis Presley in Concert"concert. The filming of Klush for this concert was held prior to his win, contest date at the Williamson County fair.
Which changes all demos for the Finals of the Ultimate Contest. If that contest was not held then there would have been other contenders.
What was the last contest before the Williamson county fair? Which was Collingwood and the winner was Jay Zanier.
So. could Jay Zanier beat Trent Carlini? Or was Trent Carlini a true top contender? Meaning it was also stated that the Texas contest was fixed for Trent Carlini to Win.
So...What do we have here?
A property which is EPE who had at all times held fraudulent contests to put there winners in place to have a good showing and ticket enhancer in Memphis during Elvis Week. They placed the top contenders in the Elvis Impersonator field to get tickets sold and media attention.
Well...Now for the Reality of it all...
There is no real so called Winner here.
Why? Because it is so crooked and fixed that a truly decent person who pays tribute to the man Elvis Presley is knocked out before he enters the race.
But as they say... it always come back to bite you when your crooked. There is just to many people involved to keep it all quiet. And people love to talk.
So all ETA's, Elvii, Elvis Wannabees, whatever you want called keep paying tribute to the man Elvis Presley as you do. He would be proud of you and your efforts and leave the EPE contests for the rats.
Then there was a meeting with Ray Walker, Dave Crouch and Diane Giddens to put the plans in place to have a contest. Sounds bad here...then Ray Walker told them how and who to hire for the contest. The contest only offered a $200.00 prize. And a free hotel room in Memphis during Elvis Week.
Which Klush used while he was being filmed for the "Elvis in Concert" concert while in Memphis during Elvis week.
There was also another meeting prior when EPE hired Klush to do the video for the Memphis "Elvis Presley in Concert"concert. The filming of Klush for this concert was held prior to his win, contest date at the Williamson County fair.
Which changes all demos for the Finals of the Ultimate Contest. If that contest was not held then there would have been other contenders.
What was the last contest before the Williamson county fair? Which was Collingwood and the winner was Jay Zanier.
So. could Jay Zanier beat Trent Carlini? Or was Trent Carlini a true top contender? Meaning it was also stated that the Texas contest was fixed for Trent Carlini to Win.
So...What do we have here?
A property which is EPE who had at all times held fraudulent contests to put there winners in place to have a good showing and ticket enhancer in Memphis during Elvis Week. They placed the top contenders in the Elvis Impersonator field to get tickets sold and media attention.
Well...Now for the Reality of it all...
There is no real so called Winner here.
Why? Because it is so crooked and fixed that a truly decent person who pays tribute to the man Elvis Presley is knocked out before he enters the race.
But as they say... it always come back to bite you when your crooked. There is just to many people involved to keep it all quiet. And people love to talk.
So all ETA's, Elvii, Elvis Wannabees, whatever you want called keep paying tribute to the man Elvis Presley as you do. He would be proud of you and your efforts and leave the EPE contests for the rats.
Kudos to the ELVII TEAM!!!
Charmaine Jensen (Voisine)
Unknown, At
11:08 PM
Double Kudos
Anonymous, At
11:18 AM
I'm gonna say this. I'm an Elvis entertainer also and there are 2 worlds in this business, the contest world and the performer world. I met a guy named Scot Bruce one time and he told me the best advice about contests. He told me never to make yourself out to be another number. One thing I hate about contests is that you are a number. You may be #1 or #2 but you are still a number. You still have have to pose in a group picture along with the other "Elvii's" and most of the time your treated like just another performer.
Let me ask you this. When people come see you at your own show, do they really care what contests you have won? Or do they care that you are good? Of the 15 years I have been doing this I have never met one single person that cared what title I have won. If I suck, at the end of the night when the show is over, they are not going to care what title I have won. They are going to say, "How did he ever win a title?" I've never gotten a gig because of a title I have won and I probably never will. Contests only matter in the contest world, I had to learn that the hard way. I went to the Tampa EPE contest just to see what it would be like again for the heck of it and the contest world has gotten worse from 10 years ago when I left it. In my mind, the contest world is like sticking 50 rats in a box and hanging a piece of chesse over the top. No matter how many other rats you step on to get to the top, you're still going to only get a small piece of cheese. Don't let your whole life's work be for that. Contests should only be about 3% of your career life but for some people it's like 97%. Butch made a good point in this blog page. If Doug Church or Shawn Klush or anybody for that matter, dies suddenly, would millions of fans flock in front of their home? No probably not, because like I aid before I believe, we will only be known to the general public as "the guy who does Elvis good". I think some guys want to BE Elvis or at least be as famous as Elvis when they are an impersonator or ETA or whatever...it's just not going to happen. You can have a very very successful career doing this but unless you keep it in perspective, you're gonna be 60 years old feeling empty inside because you never did it for yourself or your love of Elvis, you did it for something that was never obtainable, being Elvis himself..and how many guys do we know that attempt that?
Pay tribute to pay tribute, that's my motto. I'm not going to run out and spend 50 thousand to have my face altered and negelect my family and spend 200 days a year on the road just to have people go, "Damn, he is so good". It's just not worth it. I'm me before I play the part of Elvis Presley and when I am too old to do this anymore, I'll still be me.
The EPE situation sucks but it's only a 1/18 of the whole business. The crowds you perform in front of, Elvis' music, the suit you design, the moves you practice, the voice you try to perfect and the love in your heart is the other 9/18's. Don't let a bunch of cheats cast a grey cloud on your love. When I heard about the Klush situation, I was angry too but if you think about it, he got used just like everyone else. Do you think EPE really cares about him? Do you think they wouldn't throw him away in a second? Do you want his small piece of cheese? Do you really? 30 years and now they care about what we do? Klush is a tool now. He may think he won a big prize but if you look at it closer, he is just a marketing tool for EPE and the end result of the "5 grand a contest" paydays that they received on the way.
DON'T BE ONE OF THE RATS IN THE BOX. Just THANK GOD for the talent that you have been given and keep doing what has been instilled in your DNA from the time before you were born. There is no good and there is no bad. In reality, there are only guys who love Elvis and want to keep his music alive. Yes there is justice to be served but in my 30 short years on this earth I have never seen a person that wronged someone go unscathed. Just keep doing what you are doing and let God take care of the rest, if you don't , you're gonna look back and hate your performing years.
Tony Leon, At
8:30 AM
good advice.
Anonymous, At
9:58 AM
I say, market yourself, you are the reason people come to see a tribute to Elvis and do it everywhere. Go to shows, other eta's shows, contests, fundraisers, do it for free too. Get the publicity. But get your face in front of everyone you can.
But do it with a purpose in mind go to make friends and get in front of people. Get yourself merchandise and sell it. Get a website, business cards, and I saw another eta who had buttons I thought they were cool and they can't be that expensive. Let the people buy your stuff not the licenced crap from EPE. That will hurt them and make you the money you deserve.
Get them in their pockets that's the only way they listen.
There are so many ways that a performer can make use of every avenue given to them.
This next year I read is the year of the ELVII 2008. It was on the Elvii Radio Station. And let all the other eta's know too.
Blog Post, At
7:06 PM
Jay Zanier should have Won the contest...
He was Collimgwood's winner. The real last contest before the Final in Memphis.
Anonymous, At
7:32 PM
I think Brandon Bennett or Donny Edwards should have got it.
Anonymous, At
7:34 PM
You know there are times I think if Elvis himself was here and entered some contests, he wouldn't win because in some opinions he just wouldn't be good enough...
Anonymous, At
6:42 PM
If Elvis was here things would be alot different.
He divorced her...
A Jewish Attorney from NY wouldn't be running his business...
We wouldn't need a fill in...
And he would have cleaned house as he used to do when people wronged him...
Elvis Presley the Man... His image has been left to others who have no concern but have disgraced, degrated, and detrimental to his good memory
Anonymous, At
9:02 PM
Applause, Applaus, Applaus
Anonymous, At
9:53 PM
Wow...great statement.
Butch Dicus, At
2:02 PM
I tell you..if this is what you think happened "BOY" are you in for arude awaking.you are so off here it's not even funny and I know for a fact this is pure lie's And mounds of proof from hotel dates, to dinner receipts,to dated pictures, to gas receipts, to air flights, things that no one could falsify will surface if needed..you guys fell to realize proof is out there people...
Anonymous, At
9:37 PM
Maybe you have a problem because you can't see the door because they're so many rats scurrying in front of you.
People like you create confusion to keep facts hidden.
Let me show you. Follow me...It's as easy as 1.2.3
1. Shawn Klush, 2. Shawn Klush Band, 3. Shawn Klush Manager,
WOW - Shawn Klush Wins.
It's pretty simple to figure out.
I don't care how you try to confuse it with non issues. gas receipts, dinner reciepts, etc, etc...
The general public is smarter than you can fool and I am sure they can add... 1.2.3
Anonymous, At
5:49 PM
Who cares! It's an impersonator contest, not world war 3.
Anonymous, At
6:05 PM
People that pay their money to go to these contests care.
Thinking they really have a chance to win. When in all they are just fixed.
EPE has a general interest in who wins because that person will represent them.
So sure...They do care who wins.
And who gives a rats *&^ about world war 3? We are in a war already and it's rats like them compromising our Countries ethical system.
Our youth is being taught that it is ok to cheat to get what they want as long as the money is there to back them.
That's the issue and the problem here.
Blog Post, At
7:04 PM
To whomever is interested:
I had correspondence with Judy of www.elvii.com. I explained to her in detail as to how the Franklin, TN, contest came about, not that it was any of her business. Judy knows the truth and refuses to put it into context. Her comments through elvii.com are liable and disgusting. All the ETAs that I know are cooperative fellas of all ages and get along with each other; they are, as a lot, fine young men, trying to do what they love to do. Judy, stay out of a world you don't understand: kindness, trust, truthfulness, and willingness to believe in Humanity. You need to speak to the ETAs themselves. They know what their competition is and enjoy beinging involved. You have taken out of context all I wrote to you. You are a disgrace to, an otherwise, good Website, elvii.com.
Think about what you have said and how many people know that you are wrong. I've been around a lot longer than you have been, and have been trusted as well. You have, also, negated the integrity of the Judges in these contests, who have no, personal, interest in the outcomes, marking numbers by five categories as to their opinions of what they see and hear, handing in their numbers, and having them calculated by others who had nothing to do with their opinions. It's a shame to have to run into a person such as you, at this stage of my life. Please, straighten up and write something positive for this wonderful generation.
It is, also, evident that you know nothing about talent, "fixed" or not.
By the way, I have had no reply, from you, to my last e-mails to you. You would do you well to keep your ignorance, private, for your own sake and the sake of others.
God bless,
Ray Walker
Anonymous, At
10:12 AM
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