Walt Sanders Would have won the Viva Las Franklin Contest that was fixed
I just got info that Walt Sanders was a contestant in the Williamson County fair Viva Las Franklin Ultimate EPE Contest. If Shawn Klush had not cheated Walt Sanders would have been the Winner and moved onto Memphis, TN. He was the next contender.
Would he have beat Trent Carlini. Probably so...
Would he have beat Trent Carlini. Probably so...
Who else was a contestant?
I believe Walt Sanders is a good friend of Ray Walkers and has performed with him many times.
Anonymous, At
11:28 AM
so? Ray performs with a lot of them? Does that disqualify them?
Anonymous, At
11:44 AM
Exactly my point!
Anonymous, At
11:51 AM
Ok, so my basic question to all of this is "Who the f*** cares?". Again, you cannot tell me I didn't tell you so (all of you) in November of 2006 and then you all want to cry "FOUL". And everyone says I say what I because I'm sour grapes or a poor loser or whatever else is said, but what is all comes down to is, you guys cannot admit "I WAS RIGHT". Jamie Coyne I believe still possesses the original email I sent out and basically I can say this, "I told you so".
So let it freakin' die. God, what ever happens to Miss America when she gives up her crown after a year? Nothing. And where in the hell is all of the Images Champions nowadays? Steve Chappell is out hussling for jobs in Alabama. Robert Washington is still working at his shipyard in Washington. Mori Yokohoma is still doing whateve he does in Japan. And Doug Church is doing what he does best also. But let one of these guys die today and are we going to all run to their home states and pilgrimage their passing? Hell no, because we are only men living out a dream through someone else. Someone said I was on a different level as Trent Carlini or Shawn Klush or even Brandon Bennett and you know what? THANK GOD I AM. When Trent Carlini, Shawn Klush or anyone else can do what I do on a daily basis or atleast 170 times this year, then they can come to my level. But I will let my received emails and guestbook speak for themselves.
So everyone, let it die. Nobody is going to step down. Nobody is going to admit to wrongdoing. Nobody is going to admit I was right when this all started. So, let it die and let's get on with some positive crap. Like how many lives have been touched because we do what we do. How many charities have been accomplished or money raised to help the sick and weary because of us. How many funerals did an impersonator or ETA do because they made a difference in someone's life and the family requested they be there. That's what all of this is all about. If anything is funny about this whole bullcrap game is, Shawn Klush only got $5000 for his efforts whereas Trent Carlini got how much? $100,000? Hmmm...must be nice. But basically, people, is it worth selling your soul to the devil for an accomplishment? I don't think so.
Butch Dicus, At
9:20 PM
This is for you and the person upholding the cheats.
You See it does matter. It was wrong. Period. That should be enough reason. No excuses. Wrong is wrong. There was deliberate harm to others for their own personal gain.
It's about morals and being honest, keeping the integrity and being a decent human being. Why would there be a debate over this.
We expect to be treated as well as treat others in every facet of life.
You see there (EPE)opinion of us is that we are the pee-ons (they've said it publicly and for 30 years)and they can do anything to us because we are needy and when they dangle the carrot we will come running.
WHY? Because we do.
Well, I am standing up for those of us who demand things be different.
Just because we are ETA's that doesn't mean we are lower than the rest of the world.
You see they need us now. It's been proven. Look at their website. They're having contests and booking eta's now. They are using our faces to get the attenion, the money for sponsorships, licensee money, etc. Because without us supporting them they will be nothing. Because they can't get it any more. Get it man. Don't give in man we have to stick together no matter how long we fight or how tired we are of hearing it. We have to for those who will follow in our steps and get them what is right or they will never give any ETA respect. We have kept Elvis Memory alive and will continue if we are treated right. Each one of us not just a select few.
If we don't stand up now, then forever shut your mouth and keep letting others to walk on us.
There are many good ETA's that make a difference in life and have to deal and be subject to those such as the Klush's, Lentinos, Walkers and the Sillermans.
I am not giving up on Elvis because of those kind of people. Yes, giving up on Elvis. I can't pay tribute and be apart of Elvis if I don't stand up for his better image. What would he do? I've got the tapes where Elvis himself has told people off for treating people wrongly.
Yes Butch, you are right, you told everybody and they didn't listen.
We thought it was going to be different.
But, If we do as you suggest now and move on and not stand up because you are tired of hearing it then you are helping them.
I don't like being screwed over, out of money, time, and false promises. I work hard for what I have to not let those take it from me and my family. I have given alot to the cause of paying tribute to Elvis. But I am not going to stand for this and ask all the other eta's to do the same.
So while you have so many gigs some of us don't and have not the money to just throw it away.
Don't you get it you are not there because of people like them?
We have been in contests together and yes you won but it was fair and I didn't feel you screwed me over to get the win. It was because you are a good eta and just as good or even better than some of the rest. You have won a contest I have yet too. But someday I will if it's kept fair. If not I will never have a chance.
How about letting the same person win over and over again. When someone else could have had a chance.
I think we should stick together and see it through to protect all eta's in the end.
and...I bet Walt Sanders feels screwed but wouldn't dare say anything if what was suggested he is a good friend of Ray Walkers. (If that's the case I wouldn't want a friend like him) Who needs enemies with friends like that?
I bet Walt Sanders would have liked to be called the winner. I could have used the money and a free hotel and being called the best.
I ask that he step down in the name of Elvis Presley.
Anonymous, At
11:00 PM
Yes, I can see you stand up for those who are being cheated....you can't even post your name because you, like other ETAs in this business, are so afraid if you post your name, you won't get the "star treatment" at your next contest. See, this is exactly what I have been talking about concerning this ETA world (and thank God I am not one). Someone will take exactly what you have said and turn it into something totally different because 1) they fly off the handle and start spouting before thinking and 2) they have nothing to think with. No where did I say I indorsed what EPE did or anyone else but until you or God does something about it, it will stand as it is. Some many God blessed belly achers out there want to spout off what should be done but when it comes to doing something about it, Lord help them. They would rather hide under momma's coat tail and say "I didn't say that".
Unless you, Mr. or Ms. Anonymous, can go up to EPE and force them to take back what they have already done, then shut the hell up and get on with your life. Boys and girls, in thirty years, Elvis' hanger-ons will be dead and well, then maybe we can have Elvis back. As long as you have Jerry (I Quit) Schilling or Diamond Joe (I have no ass to kiss anymore) or even George (I Have No Class but I'm still Jewish) Klein running the game, it will always be the same. Anonymous, you are only repeating what has been said over and over but the one thing you better get straight, when you talk to me, have all your ducks in the row.
Mr. or Ms. Anonymous, if you still have heartburt with me after this statement, then please email me at TCBWFLSH@JUNO.COM and let's solve this like adults though it won't happen because I have asked this numerous times since August.
Thank you.
Butch Dicus, At
11:50 PM
Anonymous said"
"We have been in contests together and yes you won but it was fair and I didn't feel you screwed me over to get the win. It was because you are a good eta and just as good or even better than some of the rest. You have won a contest I have yet too. But someday I will if it's kept fair. If not I will never have a chance."
And now I have to laugh. I have only won one contest in my whole life and it was August 16, 2005 in Sedalia Missouri. So this narrows the field down on who "Anonymous" is...LOL. And by the way, my gigs are not obtained through "contests". Luckily this year I have not even subjected myself to a contest and thank God I have survived. And as for the money aspect of it, as I told an administrator of a certain business the other day when he commented "it must be nice to sit around and count your money", I basically looked at him and said "I sit around counting my blessings. The rewards will come later." With this statement, the administrator stated "And that's why we hire you".
Have a great week, market yourself better and shove a stick in EPE's eye by obtaining those gigs you have worked so hard for. God knows, the Jumpsuiters, the Gold Lamers and the Leather Suiters are safe now. EPE has opened the door and killed the rumor of getting rid of us....LOL.
Butch Dicus, At
11:57 PM
All I am asking is that you support the effort without complaint.
Anonymous, At
12:07 AM
Huh? I guess I have been talking to the wall all along. Geez, Jamie, I was right again when I told you, after all this time I should have been yelling in my toilet....better reaction...LOL.
Butch Dicus, At
12:13 AM
I'm K.M and if you think hard enough you will remember, you gave me some advice in MO. I still use it today in my shows.
No, I don't want everyone knowing it is me in case of retaliation. You are right. Like I said I don;t have the gigs like you do so I still need my jobs.
Anonymous, At
12:26 AM
Ok, I'm going to try to answer the last blog input and hopefully it will make sense.
Anonymous said:
"I'm K.M and if you think hard enough you will remember, you gave me some advice in MO. I still use it today in my shows."
Now Butch's turn: "Yes, I know who you are even though the initials are not correct but we will leave it at that. I have given many people advice, especially in Sedalia Missouri. I gave some helpful advice to another contestant, who will remain nameless but he knows who he is, (who also tied for fourth place in Sedalia) and went on to Oklahoma City the very next month and took first place. Do you think at that time I was bitter about this? Hell no because by God I thought I had helped someone out. But soon you learn about people who are afraid to piss the "higher ups" to include EEN when they think their careers will begin and end if they associate with you. As I have always said "Piss on me; shame on them. Piss on me again; shame on me".
Anonymous said:
"No, I don't want everyone knowing it is me in case of retaliation. You are right. Like I said I don;t have the gigs like you do so I still need my jobs."
Butch says: "Who the hell is going to retaliate? The Elvis Police squad? EPE? EEN? PEIA? PTA? YMCA? Retaliation is only a form of insecurity and if that's how some run their business, so be it. I have known for almost eight years insecurity has existed in this business; from the first time Jason Sikes grabbed his Velvet Elvis collection at Legends night club in Memphis in 2000 and went home mad to the organizers of the Gadsden ETA contest in Alabama for me commenting on how the contest was run which they asked each ETA and impersonator to do. I made a comment about a Shawn Klush video on YOUTUBE the other day which went "Yep, sounds like Shawn Klush. And that's what EPE settled for." Two days later I receive a nasty comment that I was being derotatory. Well, the video was of Shawn Klush and yes, EPE did settle for him. Direct and to the point. But unfortunately in this business, and again I will say, people cannot take the truth. But one thing I will not stand for is an impersonator or ETA standing out in the crowd crying because they have no shows or gigs. For seven years I have worked hard for what I have accomplished; I HAVE. No manager, no booking agent; just the word of mouth. And if an impersonator or ETA is whining about they don't have any jobs well two things need to be looked at: 1) Do you really qualify to be in this job? and 2) do you think the jobs are just going to appear? I have had jobs taken away by other ETAs (one who so proudly told me at an Elvis Extravaganza contest in Oklahoma City two years ago) and the basic rememdy is; let them have it. There is so many opportunities for impersonators or ETAs in this business, it hurts. But everyone wants the "Golden Star". Then sell your soul to the devil like many have and get the star. As for myself, I will continue doing what I am doing.
I have preached about fair. I have preached about honesty. But unfortunately in this business, you are not going to find either. I learned early in this business, you cannot make critique remarks about others in this business unless you are prepared to spend the rest of your week answering hate mail. You soon learn to keep to yourself and make the others sweat; worrying what you are up to.
KM or KB, don't sweat it. Keep doing what you are doing or do something else. Ulcers aren't worth it.
Butch Dicus, At
2:06 AM
Please Explain to me how the cheating works?? are you ETA'S belly acking because the bands that are used? are you saying you would have zero talent without the right band?..or a guitar player can make you sound or look bad? please give me a break..you could have the worst band on earth or the best doesn't change what comes from the heart and out the mouth..and if the band is trying to mess up your chance of winning wouldn't someone notice that? I think the band chosen to play for the contest should be respected..it's not easy for them to try and make you guys look good and keep up with so many different style's and voices. IT's funny to me all the contest I'v attended not one of you ETA's turned around and told the band they suck..only after you lose do you try and fine an escape goat..but I'll tell you something if you can't take your lost with grace and try to improve yourself instead of making excuses for yourself...you will never make it in the Elvis world..because Elvis is a tall order to fill my friends and at the end of the day I don't care who speaks the final word comes from the fans and we make our own choice. If you are good at what you do no one can take that from you...look how many tried to take it from Elvis..
blueeyes, At
12:41 PM
The only belly aching (not acking) you are hearing out of me is "some cannot let this crap drop and get own with their own lives". As an entertainer, the band does not control the singer, the singer controls the band and some just cannot grasp this concept.
As for explaining how the cheating works, you'll have to ask the experts on that one. But to basically narrow it down to one subject, that subject would be judges. And judges who are easily influenced by either the organizer, the entertainer or the people in the crowd. Some say judging should not be based on audience reaction but unfortunately that has not been the case in many years when entertainers have brought busloads of "fan club members" to the venue because they belong to Momma's sewing bee or maybe there isn't anything really to do in their hometowns. I attended a contest last year where one entertainer's whole fan club showed up, sat in the front row and naturally, when the judging was complete, the entertainer won the contest. And all I can say is "more power to the entertainer". But actually, everything starts with the judge and unfortunately, the judge is human and will rely on insider/outsider influence. The one thing that has baffled me is to attend a contest and see someone get "Most Popular" voted by the audience but not even make the finals in the contest. I guess they drank with the wrong crowd, I don't know.
Hopefully in the next couple of days, a positive note will be discussed on this blog and we can get away from August 18, 2007 because, until someone has the balls to confront EPE and the organizers about any suspicious activities, the subject is nil and void.
Have a great day
Butch Dicus, At
1:14 PM
The band, yes the band can make you look bad. If they do it deliberately they can mess you up on timing and make it look like you don't know what you are doing. I have seen it.
Then it looks like that you don't know how to sing and it shows in that way.
It's about cheating. Not the band. Or the contest but about cheating to get it. And this band and contest organizers was apart of it. And Shawn Klush. He knew it was his band. Right? Or did he just walk out on stage and say WOW it's my band. Damn I didn't know you guys were going to be here.
And the band didn't know it was Shawn Klush or the organizaer when he sent in his video to be considered.
It was Shawn Klush's band that backed all the contestants and his manager helped put on the contest. That is called unfair advantage.
get a grip...you can't justify being crooked. That is the way it is.
All eta's go to the consumers section of the Tennessee Attorney Generals office and make it so they have to answer the question.
Do something. I have put my name on it and asked the question to them. They will have 10 days to respond and if they don't respond with a qualified answer then the Attorney General will look at it to see if it was unfair.
there was a link on the blog here you can get it there if you dig a little. Also if you just call the Tennessee Attorney Generals office and ask for the consumer protection dept they will put you through and they are very nice people and will tell you everything to and even walk you through it. They helped me.
Anonymous, At
7:26 PM
Thank ya Butch glad to see you so on top of things that you nit-pick I hit the wrong key "K"and not "H" And very "MANLY" of ya in reference to having the "BALLS" about something.. spoken like a true gentleman... so if the concept is the singer controls the band not the band controlling the singer,then any good performer should be able to decide how good his performance is,also if anyone has busloads of fans yourself included speaks for itself,don't ya think..and you have a great day
blueeyes, At
9:48 PM
Hey blueeyes,
Thanks for the compliment. Always willing to help the needy in times of shame. It sounds as though you can't let the situation die. And as for the reference to the male anatomy, well obviously using fake names instead of the one your family gave you proves me right again.
Butch Dicus, At
10:14 PM
ANONYMOUS...Shawn Klush as well as THE REST OF THE CONTESTANTS knew who the band was and funny NO ONE complained before,or durning the contest only after they didn't win...why is that?..why didn't any of the contestants stop the performance and say to the judges and the people this band is trying to make me look and sound bad??I'll tell you why.. I was there the band did a great job for each and everyone that performed and it is a dirty shame you people want it to look as if they didn't..That band is one of the greatest bands in the Elvis music world thats why they were asked ..I went to the contest to see all the guys in the contest and some were my friends and I tell ya right now I would not have sit by and watch anyone being treated unfairly,most of those guys work there butts off..Also it sure wasn't Shawn Klush band in Memphis nor did his manager help organizer anything but I do think Shawn Klush is being treated unfairly and talked about because he won,it's a sad time when a winner has be a dumping site for those that didn't win..Why don't I hear about the unfair "advantage" Trent Carlini and Donny Edwards had over Shawn Klush? those two were on national tv for how many weeks?? I can't help but wonder if things went your way.. would your name still be on that consumers list?? "just a thought"
blueeyes, At
11:22 PM
you're welcome there Butch ole boy.."my times of shame" is giving it to someone that is obviously always right or I bet you think you are..and as far as your male anatomy I bet they are big and brassy...but I don't no how they would connect to your family name..BUTCH "REALLY? how about that and yea this situation did just die with you..because you just took it to a personal level and that proves to me things has to be just about you.. where I find zero interest...
blueeyes, At
11:47 PM
Cool, blueeyes, then move on to another blog. If the interest here is zero, then you might find more exciting things elsewhere.
If me saying "Let's get on with our lives because whatever happened in Memphis has happened and there isn't anything we can do about it" angers you, then anger management might be helpful here and proves other's opinions only angers you instead of looking at both sides of the situation. So sad.
Butch Dicus, At
12:09 AM
okay back to some civility, people.
if you want to trade personal barbs do it in email...
Administrator, At
10:10 AM
I don't think Barb was here....LOL. But on a personal note, the email idea has been offered but I still haven't had any takers....LOL.
Butch Dicus, At
11:39 AM
It's obvious Elvis isn't here.
But we will keep his memory as clean as we can for as long as we can.
Butch blue eye's is not KH. It's just someone wanting to put on a wash.
But I do have something to say. I am upset and have a right to be. because you are tired of it and want to move on maybe you should find another blog.
This is for those who have the balls to stand up for what Elvis believed in.
And nothing Less...
So keep the consumer issue going. I am posting it everywhere I can. I suggest everyone sends it to there local newspapers.
How EPE are cheats.
Anonymous, At
9:17 PM
What's a KH?
Butch Dicus, At
12:09 PM
A thought: Some of the ETA's who made the qualifying rounds, won at contests where the EAS band was the backing band. EAS was were also the band for the qualifying rounds and the finals. Does this give those ETA's an edge over the ETA's who had never performed with this band before? Or is this just putting the Franklin Contest in perspective. As someone said, who really cares other than fellow ETA's and their families. Shawn Klush will be an articulate spokeperson FOR Elvis Presley in any media interviews, which will reach the papers and other forms of media.
Anonymous, At
6:36 PM
The only thing that will reach the papers is how he cheated to get the WIN.
Listen Dan, Ray or who ever the hell you are. It is unethical. Wrong to cheat others.
And it matters to everyone. Not only the eta's and their families. It will matter when they fall because of it.
It is a disgrace to the Image of Elvis Presley.
It is already being investigated.
He is not a good spokeperson for Elvis Presley. He cheated and your wrong. Word of mouth is the best or worst advertising that a person can get. And now they are known now for being crooked.
It's that simple
Anonymous, At
9:40 PM
A friend told me about this site. I couldn't believe that people were actually discussing the EPE contest in this way. But I can see for myself that this is pretty much a mean spirited, jealous, uninformed bunch of beauty queens. Speculations do not make facts. I will say I personally know some of the comments on all of these blogs are not true. I have been to many ETA contest and have learned that some are a popularity contest whether the fans vote or the judges vote. But if any of you think that the distinguished judges who judged the EPE Ultimate Contest were being partial, paid, bullied, etc. to judge in an unscrupulous way and you are an ETA yourself, you do not deserve to ever have any of Elvis's people give you the time of day. No Jordanaires, no Sweet Inspirations, no DJ Fontana, much less be your backups in a show. Go back and read the criteria for being the winner of this contest. In my opinion, and apparently from the several thousand fans response (my ears are still ringing) there at the ultimate contest that night, agree with the judges and know that Shawn Klush met everyone of them. Shawn is the total package and I would think if you all were honest with yourselves you would agree. By the way the definition of ULTIMATE is:greatest, most nearly perfect, or highest in quality. There was only one that fit that complete definition, and he rightfully won.
I was at the Franklin contest that Shawn won. On the fair website, it was posted long before Shawn entered the contest, that The Fabulous Ambassadors and the Jordanaires were going to be performing. I wouldn't have went if it was going to be karoke. The best man won, and you know that if Shawn had entered any other contest around the country with or without the band he would have won. I have talked to a lot of ETA's who truly respect Shawn and know that they do not have all that he has. And they are not jealous. But they will go out there and show the fans the love they have for Elvis in their best performances. The Fabulous Ambassadors also were the band for the Tupelo contest.(heck, why didn't Shawn or Donnie for that matter just enter that contest instead of performing. No-one has a problem with that, right. The best man won that contest, Brandon Bennett and I feel he deserved to place at the Memphis contest. Granted he is not the total package like Shawn, but he did have a better performance than the 2nd and 3rd. His time will come. Since this site has gotten some publicity by word of mouth, you would have to know that all of the Elvis Enterprises people, the judges, the other ETAs, and most importantly the fans who follow a lot of you ETA's around are truly disappointed that you all have turned it into a pissing contest. All of the ETA's want to be the EPE representative. Shawn is the 2007 representative. Who will it be in 2008? It may not be anyone, because after EPE reads all this B-S- they could decide that it is not worth it. The will feel damned if they do, damned if they don't. From these post it seems damned if you don't would be the best choice. So, that would leave Shawn the only EPE choice. How does that sit with you guys? You say it's a money game-well I would pay good money to see a Shawn KLush concert, or any other very good ETA (Donnie, Brandon, Walt) versus paying to see a contest anyday. They would still get my money.
And as far as this fan of Elvis, and some great and some not so great ETA's it is disappointing that you all can be this lowdown. I hope you don't wallow in your selfpity too long, because I enjoy seeing some of the ETA's out there and I don't know if you are one of those posting on these message boards. Well, I just had to put my two cents in since I wasted my time reading these comments. I hope this is theraputic for you all and helps you get over yourself and then you can go out there and try to entertain your fans..
starfish, At
9:48 PM
Elvis Presley Enterprises contest a fix for Shawn Klush
Ultimate EPE Contest Winner Shawn Klush should rightfuly turn over the title, contest fixed.
It was Shawn Klush Band, Manager and he was repeatedly urged by the Jordanaires a back up group hired to perform with him. Then he won.
Shawn Klush was a special guest at the contests that you mentioned. He was hireed to be there. It was all an advertising gimmic for Elive Presley Enterprises. and why?
It was to gather fans to go to Memphis from each of these places to increase the tickeet revenues fo t5he Ultimate EPE Contest in Memphis.
So you can keep your two cents cause tht's just about what it is worth and not a penny more.
Anonymous, At
10:49 PM
Thank you for your words. Not knowing whether you are male or female; an ETA or not, I do have to ask one question for you to answer honestly.
You have worked hard all your life, selling a product for a company and find out that you are one of ten who have been picked to sell the product for the main company, which only one winner is selected. You are so proud of yourself and while sitting at home, you see a commercial on TV with one of your competitors selling the product already. Now the commercial was made by the company. The person was picked by the company prior to the competition without giving the rest of the nine competitors a chance. Honestly, how would you feel, after spending your valuable time and money for that position?
I wonder how the other nine competitors felt in Memphis when one individual was picked to videotape and also appear at a concert, Elvis 30th Anniversary, prior to being named "Ultimate". This is just a question and opinions are welcomed.
Butch Dicus, At
10:39 AM
My question, which others have brought up, is why complain and make allegations now. The Franklin website clearly stated who was backing the contests and who the band was. Why wait till all is said and done before coming out anonymously with allegations. How many people are seriously upset by all this. Is it a handful or is it millions. I doubt that many really care.
Anonymous, At
11:23 AM
read thru the posts...people were questionig regionals and the contest long before the finals orthe Williamson regional.
Further specific to that location - YES the band was promoted in advance. It wasn't publicized that Klush would be particpating. Who would have figured that would have been permitted. And that's been the issue that's been discussed ever since. And as you can see there are several posts on this blog that are signed.
The one that I will be putting my name on - is the letter that is going to CKx, EPE, the Tennessee State Attorney Generals Office, The SEC, the Federal Trade Commission and the US Attorney Generals Office.
No accusations here. Just the facts and questions that need answered. And those people need to determine if any wrong doing took place. Let's leave it up to them.
Anonymous, At
11:36 AM
Walt Sanders asked me to post this response for him on this particular blog.
"Hey guys, This is Walt Sanders. This is the first I've heard of this. Butch told me there was a whole blog with my name on it.
First of all, I finished 2nd runner-up... 3rd place. So I don't know what all this talk is about anyway.
Yes, I am a good frined of Ray's. That's it, nothing more, nothing less. No that doesn't give me any advantage.We met in 1997 and he took a liking to me. I have worked with him ONE other time in my life, and I had to pay for that. I road with him to the contest. I was concerned about that and asked him about it. Ray was not a judge he was a paid entertainer there.
About Shawn. Shawn has a great stage presence, great body language and from a distance looks like Elvis. That's where I'll stop. I do know Shawn was paid entertainment at the Tupelo preliminary round, as well as his band. Who paid him? I hope it wasn't EPE.
I think that if my band was picked to play at a contest I SHOULD NOT be permitted to be a contestant. I would have an advantage over everyone else because it was my band. So that in itself made the contest a little less fair to the rest of the contestants.
I was bound and determined to wear a non-Elvis suit for this event because I wasn't concerned about winning the contest, I wanted to win some hearts. I was persuaded to wear the jumpsuit.
Will I participate again in 08? If I'm not booked elsewhere making money. For me it's about exposure. Nobody has called me saying it was my turn to win, so I'm sure I wont. And nest year I will stick to my guns and appear in a nice non-Elvis suit. I won't win any contest, but like I said, nobody has called me saying it was my turn anyway."
Butch Dicus, At
11:56 PM
So...Who encouraged you to wear a jumpsuit at the Viva las Franklin Contest and you did know it was Dan Lentinos and Shawn Klush's band that you were using to compete, Didn't you?
Walt you are the only one to have lost in this being you were cheated out of everything you see Shawn getting.
It is a shame. There is no loyalty in the Elvis world. It's about how to screw the next guy to get what you want.
And I'm afraid it was your turn to get it.
Anonymous, At
4:32 PM
I've seen Walt at several of these contests and he's always a bride's-maid. He deserves to win. He's good. I don't think that Ray Walker would play favorites in a contest. He doesn't care who wins...But I do think that if a ETAs manager and band are helping organize the event then they shouldn't be allowed to enter. That's not fair! It sounds like that happened at more than one EPE regional though. If Shawn wasn't allowed to compete - then Walt definately would have made it to Memphis- and went head-to-head with Carlini for the title...I'm not saying he would have beat Trent - but it's a damn shame that he didn't get the chance. I hope somebody follows up on this...
Anonymous, At
4:39 PM
Who is wearing the jumpsuit in this clip? http://www.elvis.com/news/full_story.asp?id=1334
Anonymous, At
10:15 PM
Neat recreation huh? A Graceland, upstairs, with Joe and Jerry Schilling. Filmed during Elvis Week. Aired at the Concert- the day before the Ultimate EPE Contest Finals...
Who's wearing the jumpsuit?
Well, that would be SHAWN KLUSH!
Anonymous, At
10:23 PM
Was NOT filmed during Elvis Week. Filmed in mid-July.
Anonymous, At
7:28 AM
Thanks for the confirmation.
Anonymous, At
11:22 AM
So this is ABSOLUTELY Shawn Klush? No If's And's or Butts about it? How would anyone know this, i'm sure EPE kept it hush hush. It doesn't make any difference to me because like I said, I finished 3rd not 2nd. and of course it would have had to be filmed prior to Elvis week to allow time for editing and rehearsal with the band etc.
This just smells worse all the time.
Anonymous, At
6:56 PM
I believe Shawn was quoted in a publication talking about how Esposito said he walked like Elvis or something similiar...yes before Elvis week...You can hear the 4 count intro for the live band at the end of the audio on the track.
It's Klush...
Anonymous, At
8:02 PM
I only needed to go to article 2. Something smells fishy about the whole thing. I just thought an EPE contest would be different than the others out there. Wish something could be done about it... but for what? To give the prize to Carlini? It'll go away soon enough. And with all this contraversy, what does this or any other title mean? I'm sure there are only a small amount of people out there who know about what we're talking about, and even fewer that care.
I hope to be able to be in at least one EPE preliminary next year, if they even have one after this mess. I'll do my thing my way.
Hey Anonymous, why are you hiding? just come out and put your name on the line. it doesn't matter. Nothing will change. and how many different people are posting as 'anonymous' anyway?
In the rules, the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest will be referred to as “UETAC,” Elvis Tribute Artist contestants will be referred
to as “ETAs” or “contestants” and Elvis Presley Enterprises will be referred to as “EPE.”
All participants in the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest Qualifying Rounds and Finals must abide by the following rules:
1. EPE is not responsible for any expenses of contestants at anytime during the UETAC, including any expenses with respect to travel to
Memphis, Tennessee and lodging.
2. Employees or relatives of employees of Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. are unable to compete in the UETAC.
Anonymous, At
11:31 AM
Did Ryan Pelton participate in a preliminary round anywhere? I've never heard his name mentinoed. If not, was it because he doesn't do contests, or because he did the thing for CKX earlier this year?
Anonymous, At
11:41 AM
As a contestant I would file a complaint at the link below.
Something should be looked into.
I read the post about the consumer thing and called them. They said it is not a grand formal thing all they will do is write the contest host and EPE and ask them for a reason and they have 10 days to answer. So I urge the contestants to get the answers if they feel the need to.Here is the link again... http://www.state.tn.us/consumer/consCompFrm.html I
Anonymous, At
11:46 AM
I think I read Pelton said he didn't because of scheduling...but don't quote me.
But since he did the American Idol thing I'd say he's definately not eligible.
Anonymous, At
11:48 AM
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